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Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Dlc 3 Details!

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#21 Lepestok


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 04:02 AM

Will the add-on be available for purchase in Russia?



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Posted 15 April 2022 - 06:01 AM

I'm looking forward to getting this DLC! It'll be fun driving a Hatchetman around!

I know that some are disappointed that this isn't the Clan DLC or that there isn't an Axman included, so here is my suggestion to you, PGI, if you want to make a good buck and kill two birds with one stone:

1st Somerset Strikers Campaign DLC!!!!!

Introduce both the Clans and their omnimechs as well as the Axman (and Bushwacker) in one go! Play either as the Clans or the 1st Somerset Strikers in two campaigns based on the TV shows.

Edited by TELEFORCE, 15 April 2022 - 06:03 AM.

#23 Rock Fandango


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:07 AM

I think realistically, clan DLC was never gonna be an option for MW5 with the current set of available resources at PGI - with the number of new mechs/weapons/mechanics/story/balancing needed then its effectively a whole new game.

What I am a little disappointed about is the fact that the single player campaign is only going to be 5 missions long. One of the greatest strengths of the Kestrel Lancers DLC was the single player story campaign. As others have said, a lot of the new features such as biomes, removal of drop tonnage etc can be modded in (and in many cases have been); what modders dont generally have the resources to do is to craft new single player campaigns with all the scripting, events, new voice acting etc. This is something which I would've liked PGI to focus more on. Don't get me wrong - I'm happy to get something and I want to keep supporting MW games, but I think the focus of expansions should be new missions and story. The rest can be catered for elsewhere if needed.



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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:16 AM

View PostRock Fandango, on 15 April 2022 - 07:07 AM, said:

I think realistically, clan DLC was never gonna be an option for MW5 with the current set of available resources at PGI - with the number of new mechs/weapons/mechanics/story/balancing needed then its effectively a whole new game.

I'm not sure why this is a problem because the models already exist in MWO. As far as I can tell the only thing that really needs to be done is a mechlab system to handle omnimechs and pods.

It's also my understanding that there being no official Clan DLC is holding modders back from rigging the existing MWO models to work with MW5 because they're hoping that PGI will do it in a future DLC! And maybe PGI is expecting modders to do this as well. Recursive development loop? Posted Image

#25 Cranky Puppy


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:23 AM

Hmmm.... This is the only news coming out... No EASTER EVENT for the month of April?

#26 Burning Chrome


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 07:43 AM

I hope there is an explanation for the lack of Crusader in the MW5 DLC.

Something along the lines of it will be made available in a later patch because the DLC will be out before the Crusader is available in MWO.

If not, it is only going to frustrate players more.

#27 C E Dwyer


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 08:19 AM

I lost interest in MW5 when the dlc broke throttle Paddle input with my thrust master.

I suppose it's yet another example of P.G.I's sloppy coding.

works fine with MWO..worked..with the orinal MW5 but now, no,

Is it so hard for a company to mke a thrustmaster L/R rudder paddle work.

For PGI it seems so.

#28 Andrewlik


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 08:26 AM

View PostC E Dwyer, on 15 April 2022 - 08:19 AM, said:

I lost interest in MW5 when the dlc broke throttle Paddle input with my thrust master.

I suppose it's yet another example of P.G.I's sloppy coding.

works fine with MWO..worked..with the orinal MW5 but now, no,

Is it so hard for a company to mke a thrustmaster L/R rudder paddle work.

For PGI it seems so.

Have you checked the community HOTAS document? Or asked the subreddit? I can't help you specifically, but I'm pretty sure its possible to fix your situation

#29 RBL Acehigh


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 08:37 AM

what a disapointment. this isn't even a dlc it's a patch. the mods have had this stuff for ages. no clan invasion or equipment I'm not interested.

#30 Ch_R0me


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 10:25 AM

And now, the Hatamoto Chi is fully complete... Posted Image

Anyway, can't wait to do this in person. Posted Image

BTW PGI - you could actually talk with PDX & HBS to actually try to "port" the BattleTech into MechWarrior perspective - you now got everything needed for it Posted Image

#31 Ravika


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 12:49 PM

View PostCranky Puppy, on 15 April 2022 - 07:23 AM, said:

Hmmm.... This is the only news coming out... No EASTER EVENT for the month of April?

I was also hoping for a free mech in April. Don’t need most of them, but the event is fun, and the colors, bolt ons, and patterns are nice to play with. I am grateful to PGI for extending the March events for a week, but April is half over…make us duel in pastel Urbie-Eggs or something? XOXO

#32 Stargazzer811


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 12:58 PM

View PostTELEFORCE, on 15 April 2022 - 07:16 AM, said:

I'm not sure why this is a problem because the models already exist in MWO. As far as I can tell the only thing that really needs to be done is a mechlab system to handle omnimechs and pods.

Remember, one game is Cryengine and the other is Unreal. They don't play well together, so each model has to be redone in Unreal to work. This takes time, and when you are paying people it takes money too. The company that now owns PGI might not want to pay them to spend the time to do this, ergo no Clan DLC.

#33 Vellron2005


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 01:50 PM

I find it amazing that the main selling point of this DLC is the melee weapons, which are not really anything new, since you could bash mechs with your fists before.. meanwhile... not one, not two, but THREE new biomes are coming out? The original game had.. what.. 6 biomes? That's HUGE!

Will probably buy if it's not overpriced..

#34 13Tradesman


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 02:51 PM

The Black Knight is clearly more photogenic compared to the hatchetman lol. Well this does appear to be a nice addition to the game, the new biomes will be greatly appreciated...I just have to say this though...the modder vonSeiten perhaps deserves a bit of 'inspirational credit' for some of the biome ideas seen in his Vonbiomes mod....remember the jungle biome from the last DLC? Or the red crystals now in this new tourmaline biome? Junkyard sound familiar?...Oh and a new desert biome Posted Image hmm all sounds just a bit familiar haha. I guess it goes both ways though...since PGI also gave a bit of help Posted Image.

-Well anyway I see about $10-15 worth of value here so far, really depends on implementation how well AI will use melee...will the charger actually charge you now with an axe? Flexible drop tonnage is great, but will the difficulty scale and what about on campaign missions that have 'fixed' difficulty?

-Wish there were more campaign missions though...oh, and nice paint job on the Victor. I just wish the arm bug would be FIXED so I can actually use it and the Vindicator again. Try using JJ and shooting with those mechs...you will likely miss with single fire weapons a quarter of the time since the targeting reticle does not match up properly to the arm mounted weapons.

#35 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 04:01 PM

So wait is there no new missions or anything then?

#36 13Tradesman


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 04:10 PM

Sorry, should have been more specific- the DLC offers a new quest line with 5 new missions and will focus on the Skye Separatists. However, compared to the eariler DLC 2 which on the website states "Experience All-Out-War scenarios with large-scale expansive combat in 7 new questlines that include 10 new "battle" scenarios"...and DLC 3 seems a bit pared down.



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Posted 15 April 2022 - 05:09 PM

View PostAvalon91211, on 15 April 2022 - 12:58 PM, said:

Remember, one game is Cryengine and the other is Unreal. They don't play well together, so each model has to be redone in Unreal to work. This takes time, and when you are paying people it takes money too. The company that now owns PGI might not want to pay them to spend the time to do this, ergo no Clan DLC.

I had no idea they weren't exactly compatible, but that makes sense. Very unfortunate :(

#38 eddieb


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 05:44 PM

Very similar content is already available in mods:

See the following mods:
Star Map Mouseover
and there's already a hatchetman mod.

Would have been better to provide more new mech chassis and new autogenerated mission types.

#39 Cranky Puppy


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 08:34 PM

If PGI wants to make more Money... the best way to do it is Enable BOLT ON Swords, Ax, Shields, etc... be viable Melee weapons in MWO. I can Imagine a 100 Ton Atlas carrying a Shield and slapping a 100 ton Direwolf with a Shield Attack. Or even a Battlemaster impaling a sword into into a Kitfox. It will bring alot of players back who left.

Always wondered... why not have leg mounted weapons. Having a Mech kick another mech with a blade... or just having a kicking feature...so when you have no more weapons... you can at least be useful to kick another mech and do damage.

Edited by Cranky Puppy, 15 April 2022 - 08:36 PM.

#40 Andrewlik


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Posted 15 April 2022 - 08:40 PM

View Posteddieb, on 15 April 2022 - 05:44 PM, said:

Very similar content is already available in mods:

See the following mods:
Star Map Mouseover
and there's already a hatchetman mod.

Would have been better to provide more new mech chassis and new autogenerated mission types.

Dude I legit don't get this criticism - they added content that clearly SOMEBODY wanted, because if not the mods would not be so popular.
It ticks me off when people complain that PGI doesn’t put X Y and Z into the game, and then complain AGAIN when PGI decides to implement it officially, like they wanted, because modders did it. It’s like dang, do you expect them to delete all of their development progress halfway through because a mod or two ended up beating them to it more or less?

Also, console players do not have mods
There are legitimate concerns about MW5, legitimate considerations and discussions to be have, but this ain't it chief.

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