Known Issues We Are Tracking
Posted 26 May 2022 - 03:07 PM
Is this true, or maybe we just all need to re-learn the game as skill changes are having a major effect on gameplay?
Posted 26 May 2022 - 03:36 PM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 12:05 AM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 05:54 AM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 10:39 AM
AMEN Jesus is my Lord and Savior, on 26 May 2022 - 07:32 PM, said:
...not bad but takes away the "grind" from the "grind".
Me too. I don't mind the new skill tree format, per se—though I do see your point about having instant access to some of the sections. I just don't like that I seem to have lost most of the time I invested in skilling out some of the chassis...and the fact that I didn't get some XP and C-Bills back to reflect the thousands of and millions of C-Bills more that it cost me to skill out several of my 'mechs.
Posted 27 May 2022 - 10:51 AM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 11:17 AM
AMEN Jesus is my Lord and Savior, on 26 May 2022 - 07:32 PM, said:
On a side note, I feel cheaped out by the new low cost of XP point purchases. Takes very minimal effort to level up a mech and this el cheapo effect combined with very selective of what one wants skill tree upgrade does put a hint of disappointment to the whole process. It used to take a real effort to skill a mech out and to level it up (unless you spend GXP or something) but now it is dumbed down way too much. I feel that 700 cost for an XP is more realistic (but 800 being 'classic' ok), unless the whole point of this from the developers' view point was to make people: 1) buy more mechs, and that 2) buy them faster, and 3) to make them deadly with minimal effort by players by not having them to acquire useless in-between skill points, and, 4) to make people buy more mechs faster by having players leveling them up faster than before, thus, 5) by making more real money in the process? I can now can get x4 laser heat reduction skill points with nothing else invested and that is a killer right there with practically no effort but of one or two noob games in order to generate a required XP points for such a purchase--not bad but takes away the "grind" from the "grind".
I actually think that making it easier for even "bad" (my wording) players to grind out a mech to full skill points is the main point of the change.
Highly killed, hardcore players sitting on tens of thousands of MC and several thousand GSP, along with hundreds of (mostly already skilled) mechs don't really need a leg up, to be fair.
However, life is hard for "bad" players; it's VERY hard for "bad" players in mechs with no skills, and this contributes to high levels of new players quitting.
I think the skills changes should prove to be a good thing for the community in the long run.
Posted 27 May 2022 - 01:27 PM
It's kinda embarrassing that you still didn't hotfix the Betty sound issues..
Posted 27 May 2022 - 03:03 PM
THING is i still have fun playing, but still a hardcore game, thick skin is needed, and good fire wall : )
Posted 27 May 2022 - 06:12 PM
!!!!Incoming Bug Report!!!!
Clan Heavy mechs are suffering a UI bug in the mechlab where the internal areas are being offset down the page, causing things to overlap and making it very difficult to build mechs. I have confirmed this on the Mad Dog, Linebacker, Night Gyr and Nova Cat so far as of 5/27/22. Its not huge but it is extremely annoying, more annoying then a lack of betty honestly.
Otherwise, patch seems pretty decent so far. Like many I am not loving the new font but I can learn to deal if that's the least of my worries.
EDIT: Logging out and back in fixes this bug, but I would still look into the root cause to be sure it doesn't return in the future, please and thank you!
Edited by Avalon91211, 27 May 2022 - 06:40 PM.
Posted 27 May 2022 - 06:44 PM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 07:36 PM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 10:21 PM
Posted 28 May 2022 - 04:54 AM
for some reason it was on my end i guess and was fixed with a reboot
Hey guys, sorry to complain, but I am having major frame issues and not sure what from. TBH, I don't normally keep track of what they are normally cause I never had a problem. However, I am trying to finish this event and there is only a couple days left. As it stands, I'm down to between one and five frames just in the mechlab let alone trying to play a match. cause I'm sure someone might ask, here are current CPU and GPU
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
Intel® Core™ i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.21 GHz
16 gigs of RAM
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by Death Sythe, 28 May 2022 - 05:38 AM.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 05:07 AM
Mojo Ministry, on 24 May 2022 - 04:57 PM, said:
I too have experienced this. My frame rates TANK with any mech that uses Laser AMS. Using standard AMS doesn't give me an issue and doesn't give me those strange characters at the bottom of my weapons HUD. I have seen my frame rates drop to 14 frames a sec in the game we recorded last night. Take away the Laser AMS and it all runs smooth as butter at over 120fps.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 06:50 AM
Posted 28 May 2022 - 01:42 PM
-Teiwaz-, on 24 May 2022 - 08:27 PM, said:
Am I the only one?!
I had this today too (the reason I came here to report it!). Played a number of matches with 3 other people in my group, and I was the leader. Even if our selected map wasn't picked, every round our multiplier was "x1"
Posted 28 May 2022 - 06:32 PM
Posted 28 May 2022 - 07:39 PM
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