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Event Queue Schedule & More Fun To Come!

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#41 Worm Seraphin


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Posted 28 May 2022 - 10:16 PM

I have to say this is the worst experience i have had in mwo in years as an occasional tier 5 player.
"Events" that last only a few hours and require building specific mechs or drop decks is not for casual players.
Splitting of the already small player base and trashing the matchmaker resulting in uneven skill levels.
I dont want to play any more, make it stop.

Edited by Worm Seraphin, 28 May 2022 - 10:17 PM.

#42 Kynesis


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 01:32 AM

It's nice that you're trying to do things... but fark me, this is a mess!

#43 Roodkapje


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 05:48 AM

View PostLockheed_, on 29 May 2022 - 12:26 AM, said:

I was actually wondering how very causal players who don't have a lot of mechs, spare equipment and C-bills are enjoying the event queue when you basically need to have specific builds for the events.

One could wonder why someone would kill Solaris and replace it with Event Queue while both have the same issue : Specific Mechs and Weapon Loadout needed! :(

And the weird short intervals for each game mode are just weird...Posted Image

#44 Rebel Ace Fryslan


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 11:18 AM

BUG: Why can't we launch in groups if there is no rule for 1 player only.?

Maybe make the slot 3-hours, easier to get into 2 different settings.

And have some Elite type battles.

Edited by Rebel Ace Fryslan, 29 May 2022 - 11:20 AM.

#45 mytilus edulis


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 03:43 PM

Thanks for coming up with all the events. I think in general the slow movement speed ones have been less fun.

#46 Jokersoftheking


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 05:16 PM

just earned an atlas (AS7-K3).... can not use it in KING OF THE MONSTERS!!!!! but whatever

#47 Clay Endfield


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 06:04 PM

Honestly, I have bee enjoying the event que thus far, but there are two things that bug me.

1. No groups. A two man group drop would be nice. There's some absolutely crazy experiences in event que that would be even more fun if they were shared. Some of the "hyperactive" events (2x Speed and Armor; infinite JJ) is so arcadey it's hysterical. Having a bud to laugh with throughout one of the most ridiculous of MWO experiences is a must.

2. Infinite Heat. This one is begging for abuse, and I've already encountered 6x Heavy PPC mechs designed to cheese these particular events. +50% Heat Dissipation? Sure. But no penalties for Direstar? That's a problem, and it's going to become more of an issue as time goes on and more players learn how to game the system.

#48 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 07:28 PM

View PostClay Endfield, on 29 May 2022 - 06:04 PM, said:

Honestly, I have bee enjoying the event que thus far, but there are two things that bug me.

1. No groups. A two man group drop would be nice. There's some absolutely crazy experiences in event que that would be even more fun if they were shared. Some of the "hyperactive" events (2x Speed and Armor; infinite JJ) is so arcadey it's hysterical. Having a bud to laugh with throughout one of the most ridiculous of MWO experiences is a must.

2. Infinite Heat. This one is begging for abuse, and I've already encountered 6x Heavy PPC mechs designed to cheese these particular events. +50% Heat Dissipation? Sure. But no penalties for Direstar? That's a problem, and it's going to become more of an issue as time goes on and more players learn how to game the system.

Some of the events would be a nod to the Mechwarrior server setups, ie no heat, unlimited ammo, ie, the Microsoft Gaming Zone or the MWMercs server setups.

Though I will say with the Infinite Heat, I've not dropped in that one but what was it like.. ie heatbar movement? And the 50% Heat Dissipation... potential testing of environmental heat? Movement for gravity? I mean, we can dream... :)

#49 Wibbledtodeath


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 12:43 AM

THANK YOU PGI. I had great fun over the weekend in the EQ matches I was able to play (I especially enjoyed the very thematically correct LAM play on river city, and the atlas 5v5). The variety was nice- playing zero heat and unlimited JJ actually worked quite well. I look forward to more weekends like it.

#50 Wibbledtodeath


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 12:49 AM

View PostClay Endfield, on 29 May 2022 - 06:04 PM, said:

Honestly, I have bee enjoying the event que thus far, but there are two things that bug me.

1. No groups. A two man group drop would be nice. There's some absolutely crazy experiences in event que that would be even more fun if they were shared. Some of the "hyperactive" events (2x Speed and Armor; infinite JJ) is so arcadey it's hysterical. Having a bud to laugh with throughout one of the most ridiculous of MWO experiences is a must.

2. Infinite Heat. This one is begging for abuse, and I've already encountered 6x Heavy PPC mechs designed to cheese these particular events. +50% Heat Dissipation? Sure. But no penalties for Direstar? That's a problem, and it's going to become more of an issue as time goes on and more players learn how to game the system.

I agree with point 1.
#2 misses the point of the event entirely. Zero heat is not open to abuse- it is supposed to be abused. That's the fun part, building and playing for different environments and rules (they did increase armour for these matches though to not make TTK instantaneous). Direstar is not broken /a problem in that specific environment, it is just one among many high heat builds that now actually work during that event.

#51 _ Manual _


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 02:32 AM

Maybe it's just me .... Posted Image
but I'm trying to figure out if "this weekend", or "Friday" meant May 27 or June 3 ?
Wondering if I missed it already.

PGI - would be nice to put dates to them, thanks.

#52 0Jitter0


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 12:02 PM

View PostManual Flight, on 30 May 2022 - 02:32 AM, said:

Maybe it's just me .... Posted Image
but I'm trying to figure out if "this weekend", or "Friday" meant May 27 or June 3 ?
Wondering if I missed it already.

PGI - would be nice to put dates to them, thanks.

Hear hear, going a bit further, a calendar import (e.g. ICS) would be ideal.


In other news, the first Urbie Derby was loads of fun! It's also a great idea having these single-mech events, makes them immediately more accessible to casual players.

But there was a usability problem with the event - since MWO can't apparently register armor damage below a given threshold, a lot of people were confused as to why the OPFOR paper dolls were not showing any damage initially - some even thinking they were dealing no damage, despite the hit indicators registering.

So, I can't believe I'm saying this, but, maybe dial down the wackiness a bit for things like this?

Edited by 0Jitter0, 30 May 2022 - 12:02 PM.

#53 Clay Endfield


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 04:00 PM

View PostWibbledtodeath, on 30 May 2022 - 12:49 AM, said:

I agree with point 1.
#2 misses the point of the event entirely. Zero heat is not open to abuse- it is supposed to be abused. That's the fun part, building and playing for different environments and rules (they did increase armour for these matches though to not make TTK instantaneous). Direstar is not broken /a problem in that specific environment, it is just one among many high heat builds that now actually work during that event.

The stated reason for all the randomized match restrictions and 4 hour event periods was to PREVENT a Event Que Meta from developing; the reason nobody wants an event que meta is because it gates newer players or casual players from participating when they're at a disadvantage. The idea was you could just grab your QP mechs and hit event que without being at a disadvantage against players who had 200+ mechs and could afford to optimize some just for a specific event. Zero Heat flies in the face of that intent, because more experienced players are taking advantage of their massive arsenals to optimize a meta where they're at an advantage.

What this is going to result in is a repeat of what killed Solaris/FP; a meta will arise that demands more resources from players to compete in a niche gamemode; new and casual players are going to be discouraged from playing event que because they don't have the resources or interest to compete in said niche gamemode, and then all the tryhards are going to gripe about hour long ques because their inability to restrain themselves from exploitation pushed everyone else into QP.

TLDR: preventing a meta from forming in event que improves the odds of it succeeding long term. We've already been down this road twice now with Solaris and FP; when you make the cost of entry too high for the everyman to justify, the everyman goes somewhere else, and everybody loses.

Edited by Clay Endfield, 30 May 2022 - 05:04 PM.

#54 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 05:20 PM

View PostLockheed_, on 29 May 2022 - 12:26 AM, said:

I was actually wondering how very causal players who don't have a lot of mechs, spare equipment and C-bills are enjoying the event queue when you basically need to have specific builds for the events. The event queue seems like a huge c-bill sink.

Well, the goal was to always have trial mechs available to match the event so everyone could at least play. Since right now they're throwing a variety of things at the wall to see what sticks, it doesn't help. Having a regular pattern to the event queue would go a long way and probably disabling it during the slowest part of the day. I know that hits oceanic, but they're having trouble matching on their server anyway, unless that option is taken away. Or on the weekends, drop to 4v4 for the low pop times.

#55 Swamp Thing


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 08:37 PM

12 hours per event would be easier to tweak a set up around personally..

#56 Kestrel Atreides


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Posted 31 May 2022 - 10:03 AM

Gimmicks that require messing with builds and skills gets tiring.
(e.g. extreme heat dissipation)
Less drastic gimmicks like unlimited JJs doesn't damage gameplay too much.

Messing with mechspeed and armor is fine and makes it interesting.

Dropping with a 4 mech deck is awesome.
Having restrictions on what mech is allowed makes it interesting.

#57 Nevermore223


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Posted 31 May 2022 - 12:54 PM

good stuff....nice change of pace, seems more like what old solaris in MW4 used to be like...now, if we could just cross-tech..(hint, hint).

#58 Kestrel Atreides


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Posted 02 June 2022 - 05:05 AM

That was fun! More Dropdecks!

Turn on Event Queue all the time with 6v6 and a dropdeck.

#59 CoffeeKitty


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Posted 03 June 2022 - 09:40 PM

sadly i didn't get to play much of it at all but what little i did play was the most fun i've had on MWO in years - any idea when we'll get this back?

#60 HexErika


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Posted 05 June 2022 - 08:17 AM

I was wondering why certain variants are excluded from the sale. Some I understand, like the new 'mechs (DWF-C, TDR-10SE), but others just seems weird to exclude from the sale. I saw the post mentioned that relevant 'mechs would be on sale, but I don't really see how these weren't relevant. I say this as I just went to pick up a KGC-001 Posted Image

Here are all of the ones I found:

- KGC-001
- BNC-LM (Hero)
- WHM-9D
- SNS-AMB (Hero) Wait I forgot this one was new
- MAD-9M

Edited by HexErika, 06 June 2022 - 09:29 AM.

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