Frendly Pythagorean Natteri Tato, on 15 September 2022 - 02:16 PM, said:
Not sure if they even lost all night... There weren't really any other of the top units playing. I guess they were just stat harvesting to conquer the leaderboards. Kinda weird cauldron players would care about that.
Doesn't seem very ethical if you are trusted with a position of power to buff the preferred playstyle of your unit and weaken the counters to it that had always previously existed... Maybe it's an inmates-running-the-asylum type deal now if there is no effective oversight.
Maybe they get away with it because most of the tiers don't play against them so there are not enough people to report on it?? They switch to their known smrf unit sometimes to stay under the radar, but I guess that's allowed. Pretty bizarre.
Ihlrath, on 15 September 2022 - 03:16 PM, said:
But hey at least they can epeen all over everyone about how awesome they are and how everyone needs to 'git gud'. That's the point of online gaming isn't it?
Nothing is done because its obviously an absurd claim. Those top players will win in any playstyle. They are all their "preferred playstyle". Maybe next time you'll fight them in brawlers. I've run into them in every sort of mech combination and playstyle. They win because of skill, coordination, and practice.
We just went through the snubpocalpyse, and before that these forums were full of whining about Machine Guns and lights. And yet simultaneously, people complain that the cauldron is making sniping too powerful. Snipers and their counters are simultaneously OP if the discussion trends here are anything to go by.
Meanwhile, the top performing builds in QP on average are still mid range things like laservomit and uac5/10 dakka. Did you all somehow not notice the SNS-D lately?
Edited by Heavy Money, 15 September 2022 - 04:04 PM.