simon1812, on 26 January 2023 - 08:46 AM, said:
-No, that's a terrible way to look at it, the way of those uncultured, immature, the emotional, with poorly disciplined minds. If you felt compelled to start this thread you must be better than that.
Btw, the universe is not static, emotions are fleeting, no hater hates for ever, no lover loves for ever. I don't think we are simply defined by our emotions, but rather by what we do when those emotions surface.
I understand why do you wish to feel and think that way. I learned much from many fields during my life on different universities. Knowledge bring fear, that is true! With knowledge one may notice how uncivilised remained our race and still how eager and ready to kill each others directly or indirectly. We are sentient, like many other animals on Earth, yet despite all those centuries our civilisation "developed" we could not make that single step to became intelligent. Only a few of us - and I deny being one such persone by default - made that step but they are to few.
Huge bulk of mankind still cling upon dark emotions and try to fullfill those. War is a natural thing? We near to that, sadly.
But if we were intelligent as a race not just sentient we drop away our feelings and emotion when make decisions affect things globally. Like forfeit wars, petty economical games and such. Not necessary we need an 'equally good for everyone' stuff but make some f**king steps toward that would not hurt! Realise that we have only ONE Earth is among those steps.
I read the studies that we could have a population of 12billions approximately. Sure. But on a world looks like Giedi Prime (a vastly polluted planet, literally no natural habitats on it's surface). Earth, with a healthy ecosystem (hahaha, that IS ALREADY A PAST!!!) could upkeep a population of ~3-4billions. A more habitable and healthy world what we already denied from our children and from their children. If they would brand as lunatic, psichos or criminal they would right. We did this! And we still doing this! War is but a tool to hasten things.
Ah yes. Universe is not static but constantly heading toward the entropy. Could be kept statically in a homeostatic state but the sheer amount of work and energy to do so... Possibilities are exists. Even for us, even hope...
The reality is that we know it but not do anything for real to achieve it! Hope remains but hope if noone try to make it come true. Watching idle and hope would not help.
I accept your positive ways of thinking. It is your right even. I just have knowledge and experience what made me more realistic. And when you start to examine reality closely things become real f**ked up.
Went through cancer and corresponding stuffs (hope not need to do it again any soon) also not helped. It taught me that life is meaningless if we stick to those rules we learned to follow. It made me ran blind and ran far. It made me pass a certain border what darkened my hopes whenever I look upon our world. I had my revelations and I dreaded by the things it revealed me. It made me sour for sure, even more chaotic and careless than ever. But it taught me ah-so-much better not learned by anyone ever...
Not wanted to offend anyone. Not always wants so despite my agressive and jerk nature. I try at least being more polite and acceptable time after time. Not always success but try.
When you said I could be better than that... I try. I at least do try. But I fear and see more and more often it just not helps at all, sorry!