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With the MWO/Cauldron Feb 2023 patch buffing up the CT/LT/RT of Nova, it's more durable, and I wants that
NVA-Prime(I) !

I personally use the Nova from a further distance away, as Nova does not have the armor for close range brawl.
Build #1:
Nova with 8xHML (Two volleys of 4xHML that gets you up to 68% Heat Capacity, with stuffed with enough DHS to cool quickly!)
<Actually one can do Four volleys of 4xHML can get you up to 99% Heat Capacity if you add very slight delays to each volley.>
This Build #1 illustrate the strength of HML (Heavy Medium Laser): Lighter weight but heavy hitting weapon, but requires enough tonnage for lots of DHS (and critical slots) to cool down quickly.
Build #2:
Nova with 2xHLL + 4xHML (Mean big alpha that gets you up to 85% Heat Capacity, but needs time to hide+cool)
This build can be rushed when mech runs hot.
Build #3:
Nova with 12xERML (not enough DHS to cool IMHO, 40% Heat per 6xERML volley. Fire+hide.)
This build can be rushed when mech runs hot.
Build #4:
Nova with 6xMPL for a cooler build, but also not enough DHS, as Medium mech can only equip limited tonnage.
Firing all 6xMPL at once gets you up to 33% Heat Capacity, but too much face time IMHO.
Build #5:
Nova with 12xERSML + 2xFlamers (20% Heat per 6xERSML volley, but too much face time IMHO. Cockpit headhunter build.)
Build #6:
Nova with 6xERSML + 6xMicroPL + 2xFlamer, for firing all 12x weapons avoiding Ghost Heat, albeit even shorter range. Cockpit headhunter build.
33% Heat per alpha volley, but too much face time IMHO.
It has even enough tonnage left over for 2x Flamers and max out your armor.
Build #7:
Nova with ERPPC.
Perhaps others can chime in on this; I don't pretend to be an expert on this!

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 13 March 2023 - 10:42 PM.