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Who The **** Thought That Adding This Piece Of **** Of A Map Was A Good Idea?

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#1 PelinalWhitestrake


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Posted 21 March 2023 - 01:45 PM

Tell me PGI?
FWL Arena is worse than the new terra therma.

#2 TestBacon


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Posted 21 March 2023 - 02:42 PM

I’m actually kinda surprised how little I’m liking this new map. Only had 2 games so far but LRMs and pop tart PPCs are annoyingly prevalent. I’ll try to give it more playtime but I feel like there’s going to have to be a rework before I enjoy it.

#3 ChipWit


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Posted 21 March 2023 - 04:09 PM

This new map...please...if you want a fishbowl I'll go get you one from PetSmart. Yet another sniper/lrm playground. The LIMITED cover is inadequate to protect from LRM. If you are going to design maps like this, at least let us switch up our mechs after map selection so we have a chance at a competitive match. It's very frustrating that so many maps make more than half of the weapons useless. And as an added bonus, one of the only defenses against LRM was nerfed in terms of the match score awarded. I had a light mech score over 350 damage and knock down 850 missiles in a match and get a match score of 252 and an arrow DOWN. *smh* c'mon guys, the map is BEAUTIFUL but almost unplayable. As far as I am concerned it goes in the pile with the Therma maps, Caustic, and Alpine. I was SO excited after hearing the roadmap from the Devs and Phil, and this feels like a kick in the teeth.

#4 Cpt James Flint


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Posted 21 March 2023 - 05:26 PM

I don't comment on forums, really. Don't even read them or use them much. But I had to come here today to express just how miserable the latest map is. Bring short range? SRMs? MRMs? Medium lasers? Well you just aren't allowed to enjoy yourself.

Absolutely embarrassing that this map made it into production. Love MWO, and love the direction it's been going lately, other than this map.

What would it take to get it removed from rotation, exactly? Would love to know, and spread the word. holy crap it's bad.

#5 Noesis


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Posted 22 March 2023 - 12:23 PM

For the same argument that Solaris City exists, then I can see the need for a more open map to strike a balance.

I only hope that pilots can rise to the tactical challenge it presents rather than being forum warriors to simply have it removed.

#6 Mr Insidious


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Posted 22 March 2023 - 03:27 PM

Another LRM, Long Range, juke box. Terrible execution.

#7 Kynesis


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Posted 26 March 2023 - 03:21 AM

On this topic, now that I've played a few games on Tera Therma Crucible I have to add that this map is also incredibly bad. I don't know what you're smoking map guy (sorry, I don't know the spelling of your name) but nearly all of the maps you've made are unsuitable for MWO. HPG is the closest to being 'ok' but even that is riddled with awkward spots and is overwhelmingly beneficial for snipers, at everyone else's expense.

Even just the altitudes/cliffs you're using are game breaking. The crucible itself is completely untenable for gameplay.
There's no nice way to say it, all of these new maps need dramatic changes to become even close to viable.

edit: I'm mentioning this here because there's no forum for Tera Therma Crucible.

Edited by Kynesis, 26 March 2023 - 03:24 AM.

#8 PocketYoda


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Posted 26 March 2023 - 07:16 AM

I love it and the fact that people cannot adapt these days shows how poor people have become..



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Posted 26 March 2023 - 11:22 AM

The big is, they even praised vitric station for being a fan favourite along with the new map announcement. Then they release this Posted Image These guys are trolling us

#10 Itsacon


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Posted 26 March 2023 - 11:42 AM

Aside from the map design, which favours long-range snipers to such a ridiculous degree it makes the current Event Queue seriously un-fun, there's also a LOT of bugs in the map.

It's so easy to get stuck, even with jumpjets, it's like there's mouse-traps.

Edited by Itsacon, 26 March 2023 - 10:10 PM.

#11 The Ed Is Not Amused


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Posted 26 March 2023 - 12:29 PM

Yea, nevermind the bugs and the very questionable choice of color (WAAY too much purple to a point where it can be painful to look at w/o thermals on). It's just a bad design that renders entire swaths of weapons and builds completely useless. At least on maps like Solaris City it is possible to use long range weapons, albeit much closer than is optimal, because most of them work OK in brawl situations and there are pathways that allow for 200m+ separation for min-range weapons, and even some of the other maps like Polar and Alpine that favor long range have at least SOME cover and approach pathways where a brawler can get in range without getting insta-focused. This map is just a bowl of death where trying to get into MLAS range is just suicide.

Solaris is a tactical challenge. HPG is a tactical challenge. This map is just pure attrition.

What this map needs is taller cover and more of it near the middle of the map that make it possible to traverse the map as a brawler without getting picked off and utterly destroyed by LRM/Gauss/LLAS/PPC/etc before you can even get within range. . On this, the rock formations are too short, too few and too far between. Maybe some tunnels/trenches under/around some of the hill formations that allow for mid-speed brawlers to approach/ambush/flank. The ridges on the side are just too exposed, with straight shots that make it too easy for a sniper to lock down, and still provide no real point of ingress to the middle grids of the map without getting absolutely ripped to shreds. Right now its only possible to harass/flank in a 100+ kph build, usually with ECM/Stealth. Anything slower will just get chewed up,

If the matchmaking allowed for players to pick a mech AFTER a map was selected, this wouldn't be nearly as big of a problem - in a "realistic" BT universe situation a MechWarrior would have some at least foreknowledge of the terrain and wouldn't take a loadout that is completely unsuited to the mission. In this respect, the event queue isn't as bad for this map because at least you can tailor your deck to the situation, even if it still has the problem of pure sniper/LRM fights being somewhat unfun IMO.

As things currently stand with the way maps are selected in QP, you can very easily wind up on a team where half the players have a build that just can't function on the map and you've effectively lost before the match even begins. This has been an issue with the game for quite some time, and this map only makes that issue worse. It hurts build variety and sets up a very unfun meta.



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Posted 26 March 2023 - 04:41 PM

I love the map and the colors. I just don't like flying grass it looks unprofessional.

tactically, I got used to it.

ELL,LRMs,ac2,uac2 are very useful


compatible machines.

Didn't get much score with other machines.

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 26 March 2023 - 04:43 PM.

#13 Ertur


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Posted 27 March 2023 - 09:05 AM

So many places to get stuck.

#14 Yefluga


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Posted 07 April 2023 - 12:57 PM

Whoever made the map needs to be fired immediately

#15 KursedVixen


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Posted 08 April 2023 - 12:50 AM

not to mention the tarpits you can get stuck in.

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