Kanil, on 11 May 2023 - 02:21 PM, said:
Maybe the light 'mechs, can't say I remember the last time I looked at a light trial 'mech. Any of the heavier trial 'mechs would do fine in tier 5, since just having lots of guns works, even if those guns are mixed together in silly kitchen sink builds.
I made mine for meme purposes, to see what tier I'd end up in with while arbitrarily restricting my builds. Having a blank slate of map/weapon stats is an interesting bonus.
I think double rewards maybe makes sense in terms of being able to spend event MC on buying a hero on one account, and a different one on another, assuming you can be bothered with that. There's probably a wide variety of valid reasons for making alts, but I also think the most common (and very pathetic) reason is to mash potatoes.
My meme-est build is an Arctic Cheetah with ecm and two PPC, oddly enough it works extremely well despite having almost no armor.