Okay with the recent arrival of the Howl “Legendary” Mech, I believe that it is time that we have Inner sphere Omnis in this game. I was fine with the Arctic Wolf having both BattleMech and OmniMech variants because of lore reasons, but after seeing PGI convert an OmniMech like the Timber Wolf into a Clan BattleMech, this was a perfect opportunity to strike with this thread. It is about time that we actually get IS OmniMechs. Not "Legendary" or Hero Mechs that cuts out their potential like the Crusader-6T did with the Black Hawk KU. While I understand that most of these Inner Sphere Omnis would be a death sentence because of the fact most of them carry XL engines, there are mechs that are speedy enough to make up for that such as the Raptor and Men Shen. There are also OmniMechs that carry ECM hardpoints to compensate. My suggestion to combat this problem is to quirk up the torsos and strengthen their internal and external structures. Further discussion of the inclusion of IS OmniMechs can be found here.
History of MWO Mechs
- Inner Sphere BattleMechs and technology existed in 2012 (11 years ago).
- Clan OmniMechs and technology came out first in 2014 with the Clan Wave 1 Pack (9 years ago).
- Clan BattleMechs came out in 2015 with the Origins Pack (8 years ago).
- Civil War Era Tech came out in 2017 with the Civil War Pack (6 years ago).
- Give them Survivability Quirks in the Side Torsos for both Internal and External Structures and give their side torsos more armor hitpoints so they could survive hits from multiple AC/20s, Heavy PPCs and Heavy Gauss Rifles
- Make extra Mech Pack variants that carry a Standard Engine for Early Adopters or Add-Ons
- Make the OXL for IS Omnis, based on the Clan XL Engine. Only IS Omnimechs will have that engine equipped as IS BattleMechs cannot equip it (they already have the Standard and LFE engines anyway)
Light: Raptor - Despite having an XL Engine, it can go to 118 kph. With Speed Tweak, it could reach up to 120+ kph.
Medium: Men Shen - Despite its XL Engine, it could go at 129 with MASC (135+kph with Speed Tweak). Its C configuration also has an ECM hardpoint, turning this mech into the Inner Sphere’s answer to the Black Lanner.
Heavy: Avatar - It is the IS equivalent to the Mad Dog, but with the E configuration having an ECM hardpoint.
Hauptmann - It is the only Assault Omni that has a Standard Engine.
As for technical issues, it is not like the Fire Moth where it cannot be into the game because CryEngine can’t handle its speed or quad mechs not being in the game because the engine does not know how to handle mechs with four legs. PGI decided to give clan technology regular autocannons. They also gave the Inner Sphere more LBX and Ultra Autocannons. While I am glad we are still seeing new types of content, even if a bit slow, the time is now for their chance to shine. Even as they decide to convert Clan Omnis into BattleMechs. This game has now existed for 11 years now and things are now changing. We even have HAGs, Binary Laser Cannons and X-Pulse Lasers now. I believe that it is time for these IS Omnis to get their chance and shine. Now that we have new weapons and the new Legendary Clan Annihilator, Gausszilla, I hope that even the IS OmniMech can get worked out and implemented.
Let's talk about the number of weapons that the Inner Sphere and Clan factions have
Inner Sphere Weapons (Before Civil War Tech and Now) - 25 Weapons
Clan Weapons (Before Civil War Tech and Now) - 34 Weapon Systems
So the Clans had more weapons than the Inner Sphere. So let's bring up the new editions from the Civil War Update.
Inner Sphere Weapons (After Civil War Tech) - 27 Weapons
Clan Weapons (After Civil War Tech) - 11 Weapons
With the Civil War Era Update, the Inner Sphere have more new weapon than The Clans. Lorewise, this was due to both Clan Salvage and the technological renaissance. So this put the IS at 52 weapons, while the Clans have 45 weapons
Finally, let's combine both weapons along with the current (Jihad Era I guess? Seeing how we have Hyper Assault Gauss Rifles) tech.
Inner Sphere Weapons (Now) - 4 Weapons
Clan Weapons (Now) - 4 Weapons
With the current update, this puts the IS at 56 weapons, while the Clans have 49 weapons.
UPDATE: The Black Hawk KU is now the first IS Omni for Mechwarrior Online. Thank you all for your support.
Edited by Will9761, 14 April 2024 - 01:05 AM.