C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
Reason #1 that light 'mechs are the least played 'mechs in the game: they are the least numerous 'mechs in the game.
Try to actually prove that claim because ...
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
If every 'mech received exactly the same quantity of playtime, lights would be the least played 'mechs in the game, because there are the least number of them, and by a substantial margin.
... this is just an assertion - that while at least logically consistent - hinges on one very particular premise: Lights - and for that matter all weight classes - being played with an equal amount of playtime. For that premise to work it would require that all weight classes are equally "well liked" / "powerful" in every regard because otherwise you cannot expect an equal amount of time spent among them (on average).
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
So Lights can't help but be played the least, even with the ever elusive "perfect balance" achieved.
But in that hypothetical situation they would still be exppected to have average match scores / damage scores as the other weight classes ... which by all available data they don't. Against Mediums and Heavies their scores have to artificially inflated by about 10% and against assaults even 15% to make them "comparable". That's not just "margin of error" that's "significant" and in direct contrast of all claims being made that Lights are "too powerful" / "overpowered" or whatever other ill-informed label some people want to apply.
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
As for lowest average damage: I feel as though that's averaging Tier 5 with Tier 1. In Tier 4 where I am, and Tier 3, where I've been, and Tier 1, where I was before the PSR reset, Lights frequently outperform assaults for raw damage numbers. Overall, apart from your one or two meta outliers (8x LBX/2 DWF, for example), Assaults tend to be the least damage dealing 'mechs in most of the matches I play.
And you just started out reasonably well just to drop the ball with anecdotal evidence that is additionally clouded by rampant confirmation bias
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
In the words of everyone's favorite 'mech combat trainer: "In battlemech combat, speed is life. You go slow, you die". Tier 5 is the home of everyone learning the game who may have never played any previous MechWarrior title, before. It's the home of everyone who's taking in the sights and seeing what's what, learning their way around, etc. And thus, Tier 5 is the home of the light 'mechs that stand still and stare while they line up a shot.
Let's just say that whoever this allegedly "favorite mech combat trainer" is supposed to be: This statement is ignorant of the fact that Tier 5 also includes "experienced" players that - for better or for worse - do belong there and still get deleted in their Lights without "standing still and stare while they line up a shot".
But hey, let's not stop here with the fallacies but instead ..
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
Conversely, most Tier 1 light 'mech pilots are capable of using their 'mech's size, speed, and hitreg issues to prevent themselves from taking any damage or losing any components, internal or external.
... go with a non-sequitur and gish-galloping by adding more and more claims about the alleged but unproven super-powers of Lights and then top the entire thing off with ..
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
I have personally seen a Flea get 1500+ dmg in QP, and have heard of one achieving 1900 dmg in QP.
... yet another instance of useless anecdotal evidence. But just for the fun of it: How often did you see an assault break those 1000 or 1500 points of damage and how often have you heard of one breaking the 2000 points of damage barrier? Going by my own stictly anecdotal experience: About 200 to 300 times more often
C337Skymaster, on 29 August 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:
For these reasons, I don't especially trust the statistics in either Tier 1 or Tier 5 to be wholly representative of the 'mech, so much as they're representative of the pilots in those tiers, and unless you can give statistics which only cover Tiers 2, 3, and 4, I'm going to be suspicious of the results, "average" or not. (The median statistic might be more representative than the mean, because if we've got 100 pilots in Tier 5 for every one pilot in Tier 1, it's going to skew the results down).
Well done, telling me that you don't understand statistics without saying that you don't understand statistics and going with the old "I don't trust statistics that I haven't forged myself". I'll put it this way: The publically available data (be it here or on sites like Jarl's) does not support anything you have claimed.
Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 04 September 2023 - 08:11 AM.