martian, on 25 August 2023 - 11:24 PM, said:
PGI offers appropriate faction livery patterns for IS and Clan 'Mechs. It also offers appropriate faction colours. It also offers appropriate faction insignia.
Specifically this statement is not true. The way how we got camo patterns and colors handled in MWO now is very, VERY bad. Silly "haha look im colored like a sherman tank or snowfall" patterns are by far too specific and look too out of place to be used seriously. The faction patterns are better, but only 2 of them are looking decently and not silly - davion and steiner, while liao and kurita being just "look i am a dragon liker" or "look im green like liao logo" patterns, with marik one being in between them, not really good but not TOO silly.
As for colors, cryengine's way to handle colors is not the best, for some reason all darker colors mostly just becomre transparent, ESPECIALLY on decals, some decals literally are almost invisible when colored in black or generally darker colors.
And as for decals, game has very few good-looking decals for actual regiments from BT lore, mostly the decals are general things bullet or grenades images, smily faces, general shapes or promotional art, like new year things. The decal applying tool is also very uncomfortable to use, and if you want to rotate the decal you can't choose angular speed of rotation, you can't just flip decal for 90 degrees or 180 - you can only mirror it, plus decals look VERY our of place on mechs, they get self-illuminated in darker areas, they glow on the sun likght like they are made of chemically-illuminated material, they don't match mech's scratched camo patter and texture, And they shake when mech is walking (like, they aren't glued to one place sometimes, they are SLIDING up and down on some mechs). And you only get 9 of them, sometimes it's not enough.
I agree with your on your other thesises, but regarding customisation MWO doesn't do very well, partially thanks to cryengine being old and sick engine, partially because the cursomisation wasn't really expanded at all, aside from getting decals from 6 to nine per mech.
I would love to see more general camo pattenrs, like half-checkered and half-solid colored pattern, or even better, ability to chose individual camo pattern for each component of a mech, THAT would be very cool. I would love to see more metallic camos, like rusted/scratched, generic steel-looking (like some clan omnimechs default camo) and etc. I would love to see camo patterns for some minor factions, like Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus, or AT LEAST the goddamn Clan Nova Cat or Steel Viper that are already in faction play. And unlike all other changes, these additions to game will ACTUALLY directly bring PGI money, so i dont see why they don't expand customisation of MWO...
Edited by JumpingHunter, 28 August 2023 - 04:14 AM.