Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
That was the MO well before the Cauldron. I'm not saying they are that much better but PGI was worse. I also don't know how much they are able to change, I highly doubt PGI let's them just go at it.
With this much powercreep? It's laughable that they drew the line at +Damage quirk.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
It never really had high alpha, and even with your numbers, it is 24 vs 30, that's not really interesting especially since there is also only a 1 ton difference between the two. The things plaguing HSL and HML are numerous, it isn't just range and duration.
24 vs 30 is actually a nice number.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
It isn't if your playerbase isn't growing, which was the problem with appealing to TT players in the first place. If you want your target demographic to grow short term sugar highs like nostalgia cash grabs don't work.
I kinda agree somewhat. To grow your playerbase, you need new players that aren't part of the base in the first place, the appeal just retains the current base.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
I've also seen less power creep with the Cauldron than when PGI was running things completely. I'm still not sure why you paint the Cauldron the way you do considering most of these problems started well before them, at this point the most you can blame them for is upholding the status quo not for starting something.
Ha, lol, I remember when PGI brain-dead-ly buffed the PPCs claiming that they are sniper weapons. Good times.
Though I blame the Cauldron for they have the power, they have the responsibility, and so they must have accountability.
And if you haven't noticed, they have the freedom to add new weapons as of late, hardpoint-inflated mechs as of late, almost like on a whim where they need another round of balancing because it's not really that tested. They can undo what PGI did, at least in XML, but what they are doing is simply buffing or nerfing things in a way that funnel people to specific builds that only they deem acceptable, that it is their game and not ours.
They mold the game, in only their environment -- why the alpha is universally up and there's an abundance of armor quirks, why homing weapons are ****** in QP, but "balanced in comp". Wow the comp guys balanced the weapons on comp environment that ignored how the rest of the game plays because they don't care, no ****?
So yeah, I blame them.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
That has.....a lot of unintended consequences, including requiring a complete rebalance of heat on basically all weapons.
Sure. But hey, that is how rework works amirite?
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
MW4 had 30 max heat, but it also had things like heat spread to keep high heat weapons from shutting you down instantly and heat sinks did nothing to increase capacity (though some mods like NBT's HC mod increased heat capacity for STD engines and somewhat on LFEs) and they weren't bound to space to mount them (though dissipation was around 1 heat/sec or something like that).
Yeah, MW4 did a lot of things right.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
I also don't really understand the point of +50% doubling of dissipation, seems like an unnecessary mechanic since heat is a resource, not using it is typically a waste so why the need to encourage its usage.
This is to make DHS only usable at heavy usage of the heat resource, and the most straight-forward indicator of that is the heat-gauge being used at all. So when you're at 50%+ at extended periods of time, it's much likely that you are using hot weapons, and thus you'd be taking advantage of the double-dissipation more by maintaining a +50% heat gauge. The cold ones will only skirt the upper half of the heat capacity, but barely pushes it so it'll be just a waste.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
No, that's pretty cancerous, laser vomit will probably dead as a whole at that point outside maybe lights who don't have similar heat profiles. I mean you'll accomplish what you want by making brawling the default thing like it was back in closed beta, but a whole slew weapons will go unused just like closed beta. Gauss will pretty much be required for any sort of range play and things like LLs, PPCs, UACs just disappear.
It could ease up on the heat cap and dissipation to allow a bit more leeway, but the 50%+ model for SHS vs DHS seems solid to me, and the heat-capping of alpha seems legit.
Gauss was always a staple of long-range use, and gauss-vomit because of low heat, and so I think it's a separate issue because it persists regardless and should be fixed as an independent weapon in the first place. Like maybe have GRs at only 1 HSL limit, so there's more heat accrued at firing 2. That way, you can keep the single GH heat neutral, but 2x GR or HGR will have high heat.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2023 - 07:22 PM, said:
Side note: General rule of thumb is that if the build can't alpha twice in a row before getting heat capped, it's probably too hot of a build. Even the old Black Knight during the BK push days could fire off 2 alphas of 3 LPL+5 ML before getting heat capped and relying solely on the LPLs.
The Clan vomit of 6x ERML + 2x LPL on a Marauder IIC, doing 3 to 4 is probably too good if that's the case.
But for the Black Knight, you mean a 58 alpha twice, and reduced to 33 damage afterwards? Seems to me that it's still too cold.