X-Pulse lasers currently having terrible alpha making them weak weapons in the peek-a-boo meta and where cover is available. Conversely, against distracted targets or targets caught in the open, Medium and Large X-Pulse lasers have tremendous damage output that is overpowered. Both issues can be solved by increasing weapon cycle time resulting in front-loaded damage output that increases alpha in short bursts even with reduced overall DPS.
Below I show how an MXPL with a 0.80 second cycle time and 42% increased DPS over an MPL has equivalent DPS for a 1.80 second burst to the current implementation of an MXPL with a 0.50 second cycle time and 70% increased DPS over an MPL. (See the pretty spread-sheet picture below for proof)
Hear me now and believe me 5 years later: It will be difficult to make X-Pulse lasers work well unless the cycle time is increased.
I tried out the newest version of 2xLXPL lasers with the following build on a CDA-3F:
The weak:
- River City, I sneak up behind an enemy heavy mech and start firing, it IMMEDIATELY turns around and starts firing back forcing me to run away without inflicting much damage.
- Other times firing upon lights/mediums which quickly get behind cover or jump-jet upwards bringing my damage output to a quick end.
- I struggle to maintain every pulse of damage upon the same component in face-brawls due to fast weapon cycle time making it hard to re-adjust aim against constant torso-twisting before the next pulse fires.
I found the situation where I tried back-stabbing the heavy mech and it turning around to shoo me away before I could inflict any meaningful damage into its back particularly disturbing. It really drove home to me the fact that against players with a fast reaction time, XPLs have serious issues that need to be resolved before they can become good weapons without being OP.
The strong:
- Polar Highlands (Domination), enemy Stone Rhino is standing there in one of those little pathway choke-points facing off with an assault on my team. It keeps moving forward to strike, then backing off behind some cover. I can still barely see him even when he backs off. I sit there for over 10 seconds melting right through his front CT armor. Same match, a battered laser vomit Cougar engages me near the end, I'm burning through him, I twist to eat his ER Medium laser salvo, then twist back and melt his RT off. I feel safe and certain that within the remaining cooldown time of his laser vomit I can kill him. Domination timer ends before I can get the kill. My end score: 3 kills, 950+ damage dealt.
- Grim Plexis, see at the end of a losing match that an enemy Thunderbolt boating 3xLXPLs has over 1,100 damage dealt.
- Enemy CDA-3F boating 3xLXPLs having 900+ damage at end of match in 2 back-to-back matches. (The inspiration for my build, though I chose to go with 2xLXPLs + 2xML for better heat management and some reliable alpha in brawls)
Make no mistake about it, the +70% DPS on a MXPL and +50% DPS on a LPXL compared to their standard pulse laser counterparts is OP. It's harder to notice in the MXPL due to its short range putting the equipped mech in more dangerous and dynamic situations where it's harder to maintain time on target/component. The long range of the LXPL allows it to better exploit the massive DPS boost over a LPL. Keep in mind that when you have 2xLXPLs equipped, that's equivalent in DPS to carrying a 3rd LPL for FREE.
Other Observations:
- XPLs have the same slot and weight requirements of their PL counterparts, thus they should be balanced with PLs in mind as their primary competitors. The current DPS boost of +30%(SXPL), +70%(MXPL), and +50%(LXPL) relative to their PL counterparts is an irregular distribution that doesn't match the DPS distribution of standard PLs. (1.53 DPS SPL, 1.76 DPS MPL, 2.93 DPS LPL) This indicates XPLs were designed without proper numerical analysis done. They need to be normalized to the same flat % DPS boost across the board. (Notice the very similar DPS of the SPL and MPL, this is due to the MPL having nearly twice the range of a SPL making it much safer and more likely to be in range to fire at all.)
- The ratio of cooldown / duration for standard Pulse lasers is ~4:1. For XPLs that ratio is 1:1. This means the Laser Duration skills are OP AS HELL on XPLs. The reason Laser Duration skills give a much bigger percentage gain than the global cooldown skills is because the duration of lasers is usually a small fraction of the overall cycle time so they need to give a high percent to even be noticeable. This is not the case with XPLs. Increasing the cooldown time on XPLs would mitigate this.
- The fast cycle time and 1:1 ratio of cooldown / duration on XPLs makes it impossible to chain-fire more than 2 of them at a time. Allowing chain-fire for more XPLs would smooth out their heat generation which would help maintain fire when a mech approaches its heat cap. Again, increasing the cooldown would help mitigate this. Laser weapons are often mounted in matching pairs so the number of XPLs that can be chain-fired should be an even number. The next even number after 2 is 4, so being able to chain-fire 4 XPLs means they need a cooldown that is 3x longer than their duration.
(I'm getting weird results chain-firing 2 MXPLs on a Firestarter for around -25% loss in DPS and 2LXPLs on my CDA-3F for around -30% loss in DPS compared to alpha-firing them. The cooldown is slightly longer than the duration on the Firestarter and the LXPLs on the CDA-3F have a slightly shorter cooldown (thanks to -20% cooldown quirk) than duration. I was expecting about -5% lower DPS instead of -25/30%. Can anyone explain what I'm missing here?)
- As others have noted on the forum, having the same damage / heat ratio of PLs greatly diminishes the value of the increased DPS. Being more heat efficient would make XPLs an attractive option to pair with other hot weapons giving them an extra niche to fill compared to PLs. I had recommended a buff of 10% better damage / heat for XPLs but after play-testing them, I'm sure that won't be enough and now recommend 20% better damage / heat compared to PLs. This would result in XPLs still having higher heat / second than PLs to differentiate them and more harshly punish missing with them compared to PLs.
Given the above, what needs to be done?
- XPLs need to be given enough alpha to have at least a little bite to them for very short durations when boating 2x or more of them.
- XPLs need to have their cooldown increased to allow front loading of damage to achieve the above point and enable chain-firing up to 4x of them.
- XPLs need to be made more damage / heat efficient
And now for some magic... How do you make a +42% DPS weapon do +70% DPS? The following spread-sheet picture shows you how:
X-Pulse Cycle Time Damage Distribution:
![Posted Image](
I chose to use the MXPL as an example since it was the closest to being balanced when XPLs were first introduced.
- The first line of each entry is the title
- The next line is the time scale divided into ¼ second increments.
- The next line shows the cycle time of a given version of MXLP being fired. Each little block represents 0.05 seconds. The black blocks represent firing duration, the empty blocks represent cooldown.
- The last line shows total damage done after each pulse as a function of time.
1. The top entry in orange shows the damage output of the original values for the MXPL.
2. The 2nd entry shows an MXLP with its cooldown doubled to 0.50 seconds for a total cycle time of 0.75 seconds and the pulse damage increased accordingly to equal +42% DPS relative to an MPL.
3. The 3rd entry shows an MXLP with its duration lowered to 0.20 seconds and cooldown increased to 0.60 seconds for a total cycle time of 0.80 seconds and +42% DPS relative to an MPL.
4. the 4th entry shows an MXLP with its cooldown tripled to 0.75 seconds for a total cycle time of 1.00 seconds and +42% DPS relative to an MPL.
5. The 5th and final entry shows the damage output of current values for an MXPL with +70% DPS relative to an MPL.
- The 0.80 second cycle time entry has equal total damage dealt out to 1.80 seconds compared to the current implementation of an MXLP!
- The 1.00 second cycle time entry has equal total damage dealt out to 2.25 seconds compared to the current implementation of an MXLP!
(I thought I had made a mistake when I first saw these numbers. This shows the power of front-loading damage that increasing cycle time makes possible. They start out hitting stronger so the current implementation of an MXPL needs a couple of seconds to catch up. This means that in peek-a-boo situations, this proposed implementation would be EQUAL in damage output to the current implementation, yet NOT overpowered in sustained fire situations!)
- The increased cooldown gives players a nice window of time to re-adjust aiming at whatever component they're trying to hit in a face brawl.
- The numbers in red show the awful alpha for a single pulse of the lower cycle time entries.
- The purple 4.00 number with a green background at 1 second for the middle entry is the HIGHEST damage dealt at 1 second of all the entries.
Problem with the 1.00 cycle time entry:
- A 1.00 second cycle time is long enough for the weapon to lose its RAC-like nature which would be a shame and make the weapon less differentiated from other laser weapons than it is now. I consider this a significant drawback.
- Since it throws out ½ as many shots, missing a shot becomes a more painful loss of damage output.
Problems with the 0.75 cycle time entry:
- It can't chain-fire 4x XPLs.
- While it's a large improvement over the current implementation, it still doesn't front-load enough damage.
Recommended choice:
The middle entry with a duration of 0.20 seconds, a cooldown of 0.60 seconds and a +42% DPS boost over an MPL.
- Front-loads a sufficient amount of damage for a 1-pulse alpha to potentially destroy a damaged and exposed component when boated 2x or more.
- Still would fire much more rapidly than other lasers to maintain RAC-like feel.
- Shoots enough pulses to mitigate the consequences of missing a pulse.
- Can chain-fire 4x XPLs.
Computing for +20% damage / heat gives the following final recommended values for each XPL:
Recommended Values:
![Posted Image](
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Piranha Games Inc. may implement any of these suggestions, in whole or in part, without attribution for free.