I'll start with the reason why Clan ECM was nerfed. According to the statements of those responsible, this was done to maintain the balance of equipment Clans vs IS. I.e. Clan ECM should be nerfed because their mechs are easier to equip with ECM (which is true in a sense).
I will subject this reason to some analysis (first part). Based on the fact that the reason for the nerf is about the balance of Clans vs IS, I conclude that this concerns the Faction Play mode.
Now I propose to consider all weight categories of mechs in order to understand which ECM-mechs the factions lack. The technique is simple: I look at the weight category and the type of weapon mech carries (i.e. his role on the battlefield).
Fast SRM-Mech:
COM-2D, JVN-11B.
Fast close range energy mech:
Fast/medium-fast close range energy mech:
Fast/medium-fast mid-range energy mech:
Fast/medium-fast mid/long range energy mech:
RVN-3L (+ imbalanced NARC), SDR-5D, WLF-GR.
As we can see from this list, the IS lacks a fast mech with powerful machine gun weapons (6-8xMG + 4x energy). As well as medium-fast mech with 3-4xAMS. In all other main niches, the IS has a good, competitive light mech.
And, if you decided to talk about the issue of balance, then let's be fair and pay attention to the problem of why the IS has an advantage in a fast, SRM-ECM mech. The Clans do not have such mech.
Fast/medium-fast SRM-mech:
ASN-27 (in combination with energy weapons), ASN-DD (in combination with energy weapons), GRF-2N.
Fast/medium-fast close range energy mech:
HCT-6D, HSN-7D2, HSN-7D (in combination with missile weapons), HSN-8E (in combination with missile weapons), PXH-1B, PXH-2.
Fast/medium-fast mid/long range mech:
In principle, the IS has almost everything you need. You can optionally add a fast/medium-fast SRM-mech (6xSRM). Also, IS can be given jumping medium-fast long-range mech (2-3x energy) with high hardpoints.
If we talk about a fair balance, it should be noted that the Clans do not have a medium-fast medium mech of 5-6 MPL.
Close range multi-missile mech:
Mid-range energy mech:
Long range energy mech:
Mid/long range ballistic mech:
Looking at the list above, we can conclude that the IS lacks heavy energy (6-8x energy) 70-75 tons mech of mid/long range mech with really good (high) hardpoints. Also, the IS lacks heavy 70-75 tons of ballistic (4-6xAC) mid/long range mech with really good (high) hardpoints.
Short/mid-range mech:
AS7-D-DC, AS7-K3, CP-11-P, FNR-5, FNR-5B, FNR-5T, FNR-VR, HTM-28TR.
Mid-range ballistic mech:
FNR-5, FNR-5T, NSR-10P.
Mid-range energy mech:
Long-range mech:
And again it is clear that the IS has more than enough competitive assault mechs with ECM.
Perhaps the IS lacks multi-missile 85-95 tons mech. Also, the IS lacks 90 tons of energy (8x energy) mid/long range mech with good hardpoints. And the IS lacks 90-100 tons of ballistic (6x ballistics) mech.
And once again I would like to remind you that if we are talking about a fair balance, we must pay attention to the fact that the Clans do not have 100-ton mech with good (high) ballistic (4x ballistics) hardpoints.
Also, when you're a cauldron/PGI talking about balance, why not remember that the IS has a unique stealth technology that the Clans don't have?
The second part of my analysis will focus on the specific decisions made. The developers told us that the nerph Clan ECM was caused by the need to balance the Clan/IS equipment (very likely in the FP). But they hit all game modes with a nerfhammer:
And, if for FP this decision can be called fair with a very big stretch, then, for example, for EQ it is an absolute imbalance. Imagine EQ Solaris 1 vs 1. The clan ECM-mech goes against the IS ECM-mech. It is obvious that the IS ECM-mech receives an unjustified advantage. Would you agree with this? But this is still a small thing. This is just Solaris 1 vs 1. But the ECM Clan was also hit with a nerf in the quick play, in which, let me remind you, there are no factions. There, in one team there are IS ECM-less mechs (!) under the cover (!) Clans ECM-mechs (!). I.e. amidst all the talk about the supposedly fair balance of factions in the half-dead game mode, you deprived the ECM Clan of cover for the IS ECM-less mechs in the main, most popular game mode. Just think about it: you supposedly care about injustice towards IS mechs in the game, but you yourself deprive the same IS mechs of cover Clan ECM in a quick play.
And, taking this into account, only two disappointing conclusions can be drawn:
1) Either this decision was made by not very smart people who think in very narrow terms and are not able to logically continue the consequences of their actions. And within the cauldron/PGI there was no person who could point out the obvious logical discrepancy between the identified problem and the measures taken to eliminate it and their consequences.
2) Either the officially proposed reason for the nerf to the Clan ECM is a ridiculous attempt to deceive the community. But the real reason for the decision was completely different.
People don't like it when something is taken from them. But people love new things. My suggestion. No more nerfs. Let's remember the first part of my analysis. Make new packs of ECM mechs. You can call them nicely, for example, “Ghost Defenders”.
Ghost Defenders IS first wave:
1) Light fast ballistic (6-8xMG + 4x energy) mech;
2) Medium fast/medium-fast missile mech (6xSRM);
3) Heavy energy (6-8x energy) 70-75 tons mid/long range mech with really good (high) hardpoints;
4) Assault 90-100 tons ballistic (6x ballistics) mech.
Ghost Defenders IS second wave:
1) Medium-fast light mech for 3 AMS.
2) Medium jumping medium-fast long-range mech (2-3x energy) with high hardpoints.
3) Heavy 70-75 tons ballistic (4-6xAC) mid/long range mech with really good (high) hardpoints.
4) Assault multi-missile 85-95 tons mech.
5) Assault energy (8x energy) mid/long range 90 tons mech with good hardpoints.
And, if you're really concerned about balance, you can give the Clans mechs they don't have.
Clans Ghost Invaders Trinity:
1) Fast light mech with 6 missiles (INC?);
2) Medium-fast medium mech for 5-6 MPL (HBK-IIC).
3) Assault (4x ballistics) 100 ton mech with high hardpoints (KDK-3?).
You can make these mechs paid at the first stage and then introduce them into the game for C-Bills (as was the case with previous packs, for example, Striker or Predator).
Search in Lore, find suitable mechs. If there are no such mechs in Lore, invent them yourself. After all, you have already made mechs that have nothing to do with Lore.
I would also like to suggest a small equipment expansion. Or rather, consumables.
In addition to the existing UAV, you can make one or two more UAVs:
1) UAV-jammer. A UAV that jams the enemy mechs it hovers over;
2) UAV-ECM. A UAV that covers the ECM of the allied mechs it hovers over;
3) UAV-hybrid is a universal hybrid of the first two UAVs. The ECM covers allied mechs and jammer with enemy mechs.
But to avoid devaluing existing UAV, new UAVs should not be able to targeting enemy mechs, and should they be permanently visible on radar, unlike existing UAV.
In principle, the UAVs I propose must be technically feasible. An existing UAV has its own very short range ECM, so an ECM-UAV shouldn't be a big problem - just need to increase its range.
UAV-jammer in general is also a solvable problem. After all, we are all familiar with the jammer towers from the incursion mode, and the usual ECM on the mechs also gives the necessary jamm effect for lock-on weapons.
Command wheel sound pack.
You could upgrade and diversify the radio traffic made through the command wheel.
To do this, you can take the corresponding cues from the game MW5 Mercs and add them to MWO. It’s also possible that you could add another item to the game settings: “Gender of voice in command wheel: male, female, random (default)”. So that the player can specify in the settings the gender of the voice that will be used to exchange commands in the game.
I'm giving you these ideas away for free, but if you want to thank me with some cool mech, I won't refuse

I hope that my thoughts, ideas and suggestions will seem interesting and worthy of discussion, and will also find a place in the game.