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Cor-7A "shredder"

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#1 STRIKER7720


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 01:14 AM

A Corsair-7A build I put together. Nickname: "Shredder"

Build: cor-7ap

In case you don't want to look at MechDB:

LE300- 51KPH
4 AMS- 3T Ammo
2 RAC5's- 5T Ammo
4 MedXPulse
7(10)HS, Heat Dissipation 3.74/s Heat Efficiency 28%
Makes 6.6 Sustain and 33.8 Max DPS

I had a lot of fun playing with this. It heats up really fast (Even with a cool shot and max heat skills you only get ~10 seconds of full fire, ~7 without the cool shot) but it puts out damage equally as fast.

What do you guys think of it?

Edited by STRIKER7720, 28 October 2023 - 01:34 AM.

#2 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 05:05 AM

not too bad, my long time build for the 7A was close to that and performed really well. though as things are right now i find the X Pulse weapons near useless but if they are working for you then go for it. might want to try and squeeze in some more speed though to keep up with the rest of the team better.

this is my Rac-5 build

COR-7A (2 Rac-5s (5t ammo), 4 MLs, 2 AMS (2t ammo), 2 L-AMS, running an LE-340 with 6(10) DHS and LFF)

Build Code-- AA<228^1|i^|i^|i^|^gp61|_@|S@|APq61|_@|Y?|Y?|i^|i^r01|f?|AO|S@s01|f?|AO|i^|Y?|Y?t;1|AP|APu;1|AP|APvB0w:0:0:0

this is my current one (was testing BLC and it worked rather well.)

COR-7A (2 BLCs, 1 AC/10 (3t ammo), 2 AMS (2t ammo), 2 L-AMS, running an LE-345 with 5(10) DHS and Endo)

Build Code-- AA<820^1|i^|i^|i^|_gp61|_@|l?q61|_@|`@|`@r01|f?|AO|i^s01|f?|AO|i^t31|GOu31|GO|GOvB0w:0:0:0

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 28 October 2023 - 05:08 AM.

#3 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 07:39 AM

The X pulse are fine if you're mounting rotary autocannons, both require you to stare at someone.

#4 STRIKER7720


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 11:48 AM

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 28 October 2023 - 05:05 AM, said:

might want to try and squeeze in some more speed though to keep up with the rest of the team better.

First off thanks for the reply. I like this suggestion to add more speed, I can see how it could help this build greatly. However, I can't really see anything to sacrifice for it. As I mostly play assaults(more than the other 3 weight classes combined), the speed isn't really a problem for me though(I'm used to it).

Actually, I took a look at your builds and have some recommendations for you Posted Image

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 28 October 2023 - 05:05 AM, said:

this is my Rac-5 build

COR-7A (2 Rac-5s (5t ammo), 4 MLs, 2 AMS (2t ammo), 2 L-AMS, running an LE-340 with 6(10) DHS and LFF)

Build Code-- AA<228^1|i^|i^|i^|^gp61|_@|S@|APq61|_@|Y?|Y?|i^|i^r01|f?|AO|S@s01|f?|AO|i^|Y?|Y?t;1|AP|APu;1|AP|APvB0w:0:0:0

How I would adjust it: cor-7a or cor-7a
1. Switch to AMS(Ballistic)
LAMS creates heat, which otherwise could be used for other componets. There is almost no downside to using Regular AMS on IS Mechs because of the weight and size of LAMS on IS chassis. Like gauss ammo, ams ammo causes no damage on destruction. You can then use that extra tonnage for other things such as a HS, BAP, TC, or more Ammo.

2. Armor Adjustments
As a Staredown mech you are going to want most or your armor forwards, I would shift about 50%+ of that 10 back armor forwards.
You can also shave some of that armor off of your legs for an extra ton to use.

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 28 October 2023 - 05:05 AM, said:

this is my current one (was testing BLC and it worked rather well.)

COR-7A (2 BLCs, 1 AC/10 (3t ammo), 2 AMS (2t ammo), 2 L-AMS, running an LE-345 with 5(10) DHS and Endo)

Build Code-- AA<820^1|i^|i^|i^|_gp61|_@|l?q61|_@|`@|`@r01|f?|AO|i^s01|f?|AO|i^t31|GOu31|GO|GOvB0w:0:0:0

I would adjust it somewhat like this: cor-7a
Again, AMS, Armor Adjust-Same as the other one minus the legs

All In all thanks for the ideas, I'll have to try your AC10/BLC loadout sometime.

PS. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong. Also, if you like to build a certain way, Keep building however you like! GL MechWarrior!

#5 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 02:50 PM

true enough on the suggestions though there are reasons behind my choices. the AMS is so that on those rare occasions that i run out of AMS ammo i can still somewhat do my job as an AMS support mech. heat only becomes a problem when its constant rain and in mid to high tiers that isn't as common (honestly given the high PPFLD you get now days i rarely get the opportunity to stare down an enemy till my heat tops out anyway). as for the back armor well actually having some back armor has saved my skin more often than a few extra points of frontal armor has (mostly from friendly fire of idiots who try to use me as a shield and don't know where their outer weapons are. though the look i imagine on some light's face when they can't back shot me in one go is priceless) leg armor i could adjust a bit. i had to rebuild the RAC build from memory (my memory isn't all that good to begin with) since i forgot to save it when i changed to the BLC one. most of the time i don't like shaving more than say 15-20 points from the legs of assault mechs (such numbers change based on weight class of mechs). i have a few lose rules when building mechs. none are hard and fast, some are hard to stick to with certain weapons or equipment (for instance i try to shoot for a 1.40 heat management but things like JJ, L-AMS, and RACs throw those numbers off (usually i take off L-AMS and JJ after i finish an idea to see where the management number sits to get a better idea.)

also keep in mind that the AMS loadout was also from a time when LRMs were not utter dog **** so i might be able to get away with standard AMS. my go to is 1t ammo per AMS so other than heat ballistic and laser are the same tonnage and space wise.

but yeah i am always tweaking my builds or trying new ones so i always accept suggestions. despite my tier i have been playing for a very long time. i just don't care about meta or any other such nonsense. (if i did i might be closer to T1)

i also used to play Assaults the most but over the last few years i have moved more towards Heavies and mediums (as for lights well the Urbie always has and always will be been the only Light i play)

#6 Void Angel


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM

51kph is acceptable for an Assault chassis. More is easier, of course, but if you pay attention to the battle and keep moving, you'll keep up just fine.

I'm assuming that you're having significant LRM fire in your matches to justify the slots and tonnage for all that AMS. That being the case, I'd actually recommend against pairing X-Pulse with the RACs. Both are staring weapons, to be sure, but unless someone is staring back, you're going to need to lead your targets, which argues against lasers of all kinds. They're also both heat-limited weapons; you do a lot of damage - I mean, that's a lot - but running so hot can allow people to force you into overheat, making your firepower useless.

As an alternative, I'd suggest that LPPCs Have Similar Velocity. You'll do less damage at knife-range, but about the same in the middle ranges where both your weapon types shine, plus you'll be able to track and target enemies that are moving laterally to your point of aim. If you need to cool off, just don't fire the LPPCs (just as you would with the X-Pulse lasers,) and wait for the RACs to jam. =)

Regardless, that's a solid build with an obvious thought process to its design, and it's possible it may do better than mine - it depends on when you play, and what players typically show up in your matches.

#7 STRIKER7720


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 07:03 PM

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 28 October 2023 - 02:50 PM, said:

also keep in mind that the AMS loadout was also from a time when LRMs were not utter dog **** so i might be able to get away with standard AMS. my go to is 1t ammo per AMS so other than heat ballistic and laser are the same tonnage and space wise.

I've heard about this but never actually experienced it,(I only started playing mwo this year) but I can definitely see the merit to using LAMS in that situation.

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 28 October 2023 - 02:50 PM, said:

but yeah i am always tweaking my builds or trying new ones so i always accept suggestions. despite my tier i have been playing for a very long time. i just don't care about meta or any other such nonsense. (if i did i might be closer to T1)

I also like to build without taking into account the meta(tbh I'm not even sure what it is right now, I think it's high alpha?). I have a few weird, wacky, meme, loadouts on my mechs that I have fun messing around in. eg. fle-20, dwf-c. I find I like taking my builds to the extreme in an aspect,(Alpha, DPS, Speed, Fire Rate etc.) while also keeping them relatively simple(usually 3 different weapons max). I think the most important thing when making builds and using them is to have fun. As long as you're having a great time and not dragging down your team, nothing else really matters. Posted Image

#8 Void Angel


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 07:12 PM

High alpha, preferably pinpoint damage - right now the top of the meta is the Heavy Assault Gauss, but that's already slated for a nerf.

#9 STRIKER7720


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Posted 28 October 2023 - 08:05 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

51kph is acceptable for an Assault chassis. More is easier, of course, but if you pay attention to the battle and keep moving, you'll keep up just fine.

Agreed, I've learned how to keep up with my team even in slow mechs. The only times I have problems keeping up is when my team nascars away and/or starts doing a constant rotation that doesn't stop.(I find that when rotating without stopping, the team usually loses the match)

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

I'm assuming that you're having significant LRM fire in your matches to justify the slots and tonnage for all that AMS. That being the case, I'd actually recommend against pairing X-Pulse with the RACs. Both are staring weapons, to be sure, but unless someone is staring back, you're going to need to lead your targets, which argues against lasers of all kinds. They're also both heat-limited weapons; you do a lot of damage - I mean, that's a lot - but running so hot can allow people to force you into overheat, making your firepower useless.

I'm not sure if the ams is completely justified, but it does see use fairly often(sometimes I get that odd game where there are almost no missles at all). on another hand, I often get a good laugh when I see the incoming missile warning from an lrm boatPosted Image . If I did remove the AMS, It would probably be like this: cor-7ap.

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

As an alternative, I'd suggest that LPPCs Have Similar Velocity. You'll do less damage at knife-range, but about the same in the middle ranges where both your weapon types shine, plus you'll be able to track and target enemies that are moving laterally to your point of aim. If you need to cool off, just don't fire the LPPCs (just as you would with the X-Pulse lasers,) and wait for the RACs to jam. =)

Although I probably wont change it over at the moment, I can see how LPPC's can work a lot better than MXPL at larger ranges. And PPC's also disable ecm/stealth temporarily, which can assist the team.

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

Regardless, that's a solid build with an obvious thought process to its design

ThanksPosted Image

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

it depends on when you play, and what players typically show up in your matches.

I think this is actually pretty large factor to take into account. I've played at different times in the day and have noticed signifigant changes in loadouts and playstyle. Thanks for the feedback!

Edited by STRIKER7720, 28 October 2023 - 08:07 PM.

#10 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 05:22 AM

View PostSTRIKER7720, on 28 October 2023 - 07:03 PM, said:

I've heard about this but never actually experienced it,(I only started playing mwo this year) but I can definitely see the merit to using LAMS in that situation.

welcome to MWO then and glad you have stayed we need all the new players we can get.

View PostVoid Angel, on 28 October 2023 - 03:23 PM, said:

51kph is acceptable for an Assault chassis. More is easier, of course, but if you pay attention to the battle and keep moving, you'll keep up just fine.

yeah its doable. i personally shoot for at least 54 kph in assaults. to much frustration over the years of idiots running out and nascaring while leaving their slower mechs in the dust for the lights to chew up. (anymore when i i see this happen i try to find a good defensible spot, turn around and hit the oncoming enemy in the nose as best i can before dying)

#11 Void Angel


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 08:02 AM

View PostSTRIKER7720, on 28 October 2023 - 08:05 PM, said:

Agreed, I've learned how to keep up with my team even in slow mechs. The only times I have problems keeping up is when my team nascars away and/or starts doing a constant rotation that doesn't stop.(I find that when rotating without stopping, the team usually loses the match)

I think this is actually pretty large factor to take into account. I've played at different times in the day and have noticed signifigant changes in loadouts and playstyle. Thanks for the feedback!

Player composition is a huge factor in every online game I've played. I had a rule in WoW: No PvP after 2100 PST...

On the subject of slow 'mechs, no 'mech I own has trouble keeping up with the group, so long as that group isn't just running counter-clockwise with no letup (which is bad tactics, and doesn't happen very often, even when people blindly rotate around the map.) No 'mech, remember: So, this is Stumbles. Stumbles is my Stone Rhino, he loves pets, and sugar, and long walks, he is 100 tons, and carries 54 tons of autocannon. He is very slow. And I love him.

Edited by Void Angel, 29 October 2023 - 08:06 AM.

#12 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 12:26 PM

Agreed. Similarly, I never run a mech under 60 kph when dropping solo. I leave those boys in the hangar until I have some friends online. Because being left behind and picked apart by tiny mechs is just not fun.

#13 Void Angel


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 02:06 PM

These days, it's not so bad - but while there are some maps (cough,Tourmaline, cough) where you can get jumped pretty quick, for the most part, you can still keep up with the team if you just keep moving. This was always more the case than a lot of people would admit: I've played my Lights a bunch, and a lot of people will immediately stop moving and try to fight in place once they start taking fire.

In Tier 1 today, more people have finally figured out that running around every obstacle to the right - purely because most of us are right-handed - isn't the best strategy.

#14 STRIKER7720


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 03:12 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 29 October 2023 - 02:06 PM, said:

In Tier 1 today, more people have finally figured out that running around every obstacle to the right - purely because most of us are right-handed - isn't the best strategy.

Thanks for pointing this out! Only now that you mention this do I realise that I subconsciously prefer to stick to the right side of thingsPosted Image. I'll have to try to learn to balance it out from now on.

View PostVoid Angel, on 29 October 2023 - 02:06 PM, said:

you can still keep up with the team if you just keep moving.

This is probably one of the the most important things to do when running slow 'mechs. You should also have at least an idea of where your team is going so you can start heading there in advance.

View PostScrapIron Prime, on 29 October 2023 - 12:26 PM, said:

Agreed. Similarly, I never run a mech under 60 kph when dropping solo. I leave those boys in the hangar until I have some friends online. Because being left behind and picked apart by tiny mechs is just not fun.

Might just be T2 but I've solo dropped multiple times in a 48kph mech with relatively few problems (Although I'm thinking about when I'm using the DWF-C which has ECM so that probably affects things quite a bit). That is the lowest speed I will go though, anything slower feels like you're a snail.

#15 Void Angel


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 03:23 PM

Hey! Don't be mean to Stumbles!

#16 STRIKER7720


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 04:03 PM

Stumbles isn't slow like a snail, he just.... stumbles ...A few times while on his way to his destination.

#17 Void Angel


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 04:18 PM

If almost two thirds of your body mass was weapons and ammunition, you'd walk slow, too. Posted Image

#18 martian


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Posted 30 October 2023 - 01:01 AM

View PostVoid Angel, on 29 October 2023 - 04:18 PM, said:

If almost two thirds of your body mass was weapons and ammunition, you'd walk slow, too. Posted Image
'Mechs, that are too slow, can be a problem in the Quick Play.

#19 Void Angel


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Posted 30 October 2023 - 08:05 AM

Stumbles is not too slow!

We keep up just fine; it's a matter of map awareness and positioning.

#20 martian


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Posted 31 October 2023 - 12:00 AM

View PostVoid Angel, on 30 October 2023 - 08:05 AM, said:

Stumbles is not too slow!

We keep up just fine; it's a matter of map awareness and positioning.
Nascaring team wil often leave you behind, no matter what you do.

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