Odwalla, on 22 November 2023 - 01:00 PM, said:
2. Improve visibility on maps.
For #2: Less dark maps, less fog, less smoke. Canyon Network and Alpine Peaks are two of the best examples for high visibility maps that I'd love to see more of. Having to switch to thermals on a majority of maps just to see enemy mechs and shoot at white blobs is not the best.
Reno Blade, on 23 November 2023 - 10:52 PM, said:
heat vision being a thing in 80% of maps to help identify mechs against the background, turning the game into greyscale most times... (was predator vision before).
You two have poorly calibrated monitors and should seriously look into that!
I can understand you don't like the new "Purple Map" or that "Dark Scrapyard" but if you experience that on almost all maps then your monitor needs calibrating A.S.A.P. to fix that issue !!
TIP : Contact your local camerashop and ask them if they can help you by explaining what you should do with the rented calibration tools
- Or would people just opt to reduce graphic down like in Quake times?
Sadly there are even manufacturers of monitors promoting their models because of certain modes that help you to see more in the dark shadows instead of experiencing them as the game developer had in mind...
MechB Kotare, on 23 November 2023 - 02:41 PM, said:
Hi! I stand by what I said plenty of times before in lots of different topics.
In all 10 years of MWO's history, the overall balance of in game weapons and mechs has never been better.
Gratitude to all cauldron members for what they have done in these past 2 years!
Funny how two people can have totally different view points :
IMHO the game has become one big ER LL and ER PPC camperfest
And now they release another LRM biased mech... OUCH !!!
As for my own DREAM :
I ONLY have ONE BIG WISH for 2024 and it's having Events that teach people how to play instead of just farm Match Score like a bunch of NPC's all the time!
How many times have I seen :
- Team splits up and gets steamrolled easily by the other team.
- Players not Spotting.
- Players not using their UAV or do not do it correctly if they even have one equipped at all...
- Players not Scanning their Target.

- Players not even knowing how to use that R button!
- They do SCAN but do not see which COMPONENT they should SHOOT and get the ADVANTAGE !!!
- Light Mech players not running A.S.A.P. to the Domination Circle.
- Light/Fast Medium Mech players not escorting their slow Assault/Heavy buddies to the battlefield when needed !!
- The same players not protecting those buddies against annoying little mechs picking on them!
And a lot more stuff that I can't think of at the moment but have made the game less and less fun to play in general and makes me wish I could install some MOD for MWO so I can shoot NPC's with all the mech's I have gathered over the years!