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Idea For Mwo2 -Combined Arms.

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#1 kalashnikity


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 07:20 PM

Somewhat similar to consumables, we could each bring a certain amount of tanks/VTOLs for every drop.

When your mech is destroyed you will have an option to switch into one of your VTOL or Tanks (if you have any left), until that time they could be controlled by a combination of AI and you giving orders to them via Command Wheel, "move here, attack this target, defend me" things like that.

I was thinking something like 1 or 2 tanks each, or 2 to 4 vtols each. Since VTOLs have lower HP and less weapon capacity (in general) than tanks, so maybe you would get twice as many vtol as tank..

Tanks would be easy to adapt to, it would literally be like piloting an urban mech, VTOLs would need a little control adjustment.

I know tanks and vtols come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you could do something like 2 light tanks and 2 light vtols vs one super heavy tank and one light VTOL, or one big VTOL and one small tank.

If you don't want the game to possibly be decided by AI, you could perhaps start in a tank or vtol and have the mech drop later once you tank/vtol was destroyed or vise versa so we don't have AI tanks and VTOLs zooming around the map.

Or we could have the AI control regulated to about a Tier 5 level of accuracy and tactics, and use things like aggro% to decide who or what the AI Attacks.

Obvious I would want BIG maps mostly, and semi randomly generated terrain, etc.

I like how Bearclaw 2 has indoor and outdoor areas, that would be a great feature to have, including hiding in hangers and buildings! And the destructible environment of MW5 is definitely a bonus. You could hide your mech in a building then jump in a VTOL then get back int he fight later in your mech again.

And for goodness sake, we need melee! No more face hugging a gauss Thanatos in a flea!

And I just realize as I hit the submit button, this is in the wrong forum!

oops... some mod please move this. I'm sorry.

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