+5% CBills Bonus hanging cockpit item
+5% CBills Bonus standing cockpit item

0. You might already have one! Look in your existing cockpit hanging item description that says "earns a 5% CBills bonus" in its description.
~Select an IS mech, [MechBay]>>[Cockpit]>>[Owned]>>[Hanging], or
~Select a Clan mech, [MechBay]>>[Cockpit]>>[Owned]>>[Hanging]
~ie: Hanging Cockpit Items: anything like "C-Bill Medallion", "Mag Pouch", "Ballistic Goggles", or "Fingerless Gloves"
~ie: Hanging Cockpit Items: anything like "Crusader Hanging Item", "Longbow Hanging Item", or "Hatchetman Hanging Item"
~ie: Hanging Cockpit Items: anything like "Predator Pendant", "Bloodname Pendant", "Stone Rhino Hanging Item"
~ie: Standing Cockpit Items: anything like "C-Bill Hologram", "20xx TSP Standing Item"=Tournament Supporter Pack Standing Item
1. By far the easiest way is to acquire (aka buy) these from the New Player Packs (IS/Clan Light/Medium/Heavy/Assault).
1x +5% CBills Bonus hanging cockpit item, locked for IS or Clan faction
1x +5% CBills Bonus standing cockpit item, locked for IS or Clan faction
2. You might have received a few bonus CBills hanging cockpit item(s) from those few rare Events a few times each year.
The most recent one was the Faction Play Weekend Challenge about half a year ago.
(The Event Redemption page itself does not even mention that the "Crusader Hanging Item" has a +5% CBills bonus to it !!)
3. Each of the Legendary mechs have a Battlepass that usually gives you 3x +5% CBills Bonus hanging cockpit item.
4. The new big mech packs have time-limited Challenge Events that also gives you a number of +5% CBills Bonus hanging cockpit item. The most recent one is the Longbow Challenge Event:
5. Tournament Supporter Packs for the past few years (available each year around August/September to November) gives you a number of +5% CBills Bonus standing cockpit items. It's really hard to get CBills Bonus standing cockpit items!
6. The Annual (Loyalty) Rewards sometimes gives you a few CBills Bonus hanging or standingcockpit items.
Except that the 2023 Annual (Loyalty) Rewards did not give you any of these

(MWO, this lack of +5% CBills bonus standing cockpit item is sorely missed, hint hint!)
DavidStarr, on 06 January 2024 - 02:31 PM, said:
Wait, what C-bill bonus cockpit items?? Are they purchasable?
Edited by w0qj, 15 January 2024 - 05:49 AM.