DarkBazerker, on 22 March 2024 - 12:01 PM, said:
LRMs are fine and balanced.
Actually no, LRMs are underbalanced.
LRMs have been nerfed through the ground over the countless years of this game's existence.
If anything they need a buff in the way they make a flight path to an enemy that doesn't cause them to needlessly smash into cover or a wall or some obstacle on the way and that doesn't fail to make use of their maximum flight distance to properly hit the enemy.
Karee made a post about this about it not very long ago and she's standing by her assessment.
You have 6 hard counters to LRMs, use at least one or more of them if you are having difficulty dealing with LRM boats.
Incase you want to know what those hard counters are:
1. Hiding behind or under cover, missiles hit cover, you take little to no damage depending on the quality/goodness of cover.
2. Charging the LRM Boat and blasting them by shooting them in the back or running at them with really anything that has decent close range firepower of literally anything as low as 1 Small X-Pulse Laser and a beyond easily achievable dream, if they're IS LRM they literally can't do anything, they'll shoot missiles at you and they'll just bounce off like non-explosive duds, and if they're clan LRM they'll do tickle damage point blank and have a really hard time actually hitting the target.
3. Using Stealth mode, makes you literally untargetable.
4. Using AMS, can destroy all missiles of an entire volley if there's enough AMS, ranges from some damage prevention to complete missile immunity if there's at least 4-5 ams covering an area.
5. Using ECM disrupt mode, enemies need to come closer in order to target you but also so that the LRM target locks are slower.
6. Playing any small team event game mode that's between 1v1 up to 4v4, LRM boats mega suck there and very often cause teams to lose.
If you actually are playing with LRMs then you should already know that direct LOS has faster lock-on times, so there's already a strong reason/reward to play in LOS whenever possible or reasonable, but you should also know that LOS is not always possible nor reasonable with LRM boats, sometimes you're armor is stripped and gone, do you LOS then? no. you'd probably die. but if you still have CT/RT/LT armor regardless of how much, then it's more than reasonable to play LOS until it becomes unreasonable, then you switch to targeting what the teammates have targeted and do LOS sparingly when you know it's probably safe to do so without dying, literally nothing is stopping you from playing LOS, so if you actually are playing LRM, then why are you not also playing with LOS tactics?
But anyways, enough of these games, Karee is now going to reply to what this post and your replies to others actually appear to be about.
Just Press R, we don't care if it's somehow hard to do, people will like you more as a teammate and you will have better games if you simply Press R.
Pressing R and holding a target locking is not just for LRM boats, but also for providing valuable information to the other non-LRM players on the team in the form of knowing where the enemy players are on their minimaps so that everyone can more effectively plan out a personal attack or teamwork attack.
enemy Positional intel is veRy important information for Everyone to make uSe of, it's eSpecially why a well placed UAV is so invaluable, but the pRoblem with UAV's are that they can easily be destroyed.
Pressing R is effectively a single target UAV that can't be destroyed by enemy fire, so it's always best to make use of it whenever possible.
This message has been brought to you by the Press R gang.
Press R.
Edited by Kareekoe, 22 March 2024 - 11:49 PM.