Nine-Ball, on 13 April 2024 - 10:58 AM, said:
If you played any other competitive shooter you wouldn't have to ask that question as you'd know TTK is vastly different along with the teamwork needed to take down a single target.
Sniping is powerful sure, but its not the end-all be-all because all it takes is a single SRM bomber to make him regret being a sniper. If the counter-point to that is teamwork will protect him then there's an equal argument regarding using teamwork to dislodge him or ignore him completely as you take apart his team.
No what is more powerful than sniping is breaking your own hitboxes by spamming jumpjets bursts as your avoiding incoming enemy fire effectively rendering 90% of laser damage useless against you and causing >50% of munitions fired at you to miss their mark. Stack that ontop of a smaller mech and that sniper will be lucky to hit him at any range if the mech knows where the sniper is.
1. There is not just 1 sniper. Ever heard of overlapping fields of fire? And he has team mates as well. As soon as a red dorito shows up they try to get a shot on you - and since sniper weapons cover most of the map which is used usually for fighting, chances are good that the sniper gets help or you take shots while enganging.
2. really claim that 50% of the shots miss with that projectile speed nowdays by spamming jumpjets bursts. Seriously? I call that a strawman
The 2 most dominant builds are still sniper and laser vomit builds. Now, if YOU played any other competitive shooter, pray tell us which builds are used most in a competetive pvp online environment?
Sidenote: The last was a rhetorical question

Edited by Weeny Machine, 13 April 2024 - 12:23 PM.