martian, on 18 May 2024 - 01:01 PM, said:
I think that it is better to show some initiative instead of "hiding near the nearest fat assault".
For me the "scoot off and do my own thing" tips the scales hard towards risk and away from reward. I increase the possibility of getting caught out and quite possibly crippled for one kill and a bit of damage where if I had stayed with the deathball around the big guns I benefit from opponents having difficulty focusing any single target and becoming a lower priority target than the assaults I am around. The former becomes an even worse bet if my target has a buddy I did not see and possibly can't disengage from, or if threatening my target provokes a support response from the opposing team that I might not know is coming until it's too late and/or cannot disengage from. If my team cannot see either a buddy present or a response coming or (equally as likely) they just don't tell me, my first indication that I have just entered a 2v1 or worse might very well be taking serious damage that takes me out of the running.
I orbit the fatties, I see what they see, the more teammates orbiting the more I see. Deny the sniper sightlines as often as possible and it becomes an 11v12 down where I am, and it can easily get better with a bad peek or overcommit by a red. Running off to try and knock out a sniper turns it into an 11v11 until I can regroup, if I can. I always saw murderball give more consistent good results than "ebin solo flank to kill sniper".
Edited by Mechwarrior2342356, 19 May 2024 - 03:14 AM.