KursedVixen, on 28 June 2024 - 12:58 PM, said:
my only question; Is Perez even a smoke Jaguar Bloodname?
Cordrera here is literally the Smoke Jaguar Commander who orbitally bombarded Turtle Bay. As in one of the biggest $hitbags of a Clan *already* known for being $hitbags.
So, yeah, It's a Smoke Jaguar Bloodname, and this guy is infamous.
On a side note, Beta Galaxy, which he commands, has a rather amusing amount of crappy luck, between him getting losing his command to Dietr Osis over said bombing, Dietr being executed by his own men on Wolcott for failure, and then Sarah Weaver inheriting the unit when she got demoted from saKhan due to Kincaid Furey pulling strings and getting her blamed for the ilKhan's death. She just barely managed to get that position back in time for Tukayyid... at which point Beta Galaxy got their asses handed to them by the ComGuards and more or less nearly got wiped out to a man, including saKhan Weaver.