I think the Apache is a well designed mech. It's fun to play and has good quirks and weapon hardpoints to fit its playstyle, but I noticed one issue with the wing JJ that makes them cumbersome to use and significantly diminishes their usefulness: they have almost zero initial jump.
I know what you all are thinking: "Thank you captain obvious, everyone already knows that." Folks... this is a serious problem that makes wing JJ frustrating to use. These things can barely jump over boulders and small ridges, never mind buildings or hills. The end result is that targets you want to shoot constantly run away or get behind cover before you can attack them. You find yourself wasting a lot of time climbing around terrain to get into a good position to initiate a jump.
See this boulder on Canyon Network?

I takes my Apache about 4sec to jump over it. My PXH-7S with only 3xJJ (it can equip 6) can jump over this boulder in 1sec.
How about this short ridge?

The Apache needs 6sec just to get over this ridge. The PHX-7S needs 2sec.
One of my matches was on The Mining Collective. A light/medium mech (I don't remember which) was shooting lock-on missiles (ATMs?) at me from the low platform in the crosshairs. I was positioned as you see in the picture:

I wanted to jump up to get LOS on him to fire my weapons. Forget about it... it takes an obscene amount of time for the Apache, around 8sec, to rise high enough to shoot up there. My PXH-7S with a ½ load of JJ can get LOS in around 2.5sec. Needless to say, the enemy mech kept ducking away to break LOS whenever I attempted to jump.
I know these mechs are not meant to pop-tart. I'm not asking for that. All I'm suggesting is that these wing JJ be given around +5m of initial jump so they don't get screwed up by small obstacles and can actually launch into the air from anywhere rather than scurrying around all day looking for high ground to glide off of.
There were many times in game where I wished I had a standard jump jet instead and when I finished skilling the mech I was left wondering "What use case are these wing JJ good for?" Only once did it really seem to shine when I was on Canyon Network and a couple of enemy assault mechs on a ridge in the distance were shooting down on my teammates. I got up into the air and started RACing one of them from far away which proved to be an excellent distraction forcing it to back off from my teammates and fire upon me instead. I then deactivated the JJ to fall and avoid fire and my teammates rushed the ridge and took it.
Proposed change:
Make every winged JJ have ½ a Class V JJ built into it. That's 60 KNS of initial thrust lasting for 3.75sec built into each winged JJ. (1 extra Class V JJ in total because 2x wing JJ per mech)
The point here is simply to help wing JJ mechs get over small obstacles. Such a small amount of extra initial thrust would not be able to turn medium/heavy mechs into pop-tarts. This would also help the mech break falls.
Edited by MechMaster059, 01 September 2024 - 01:16 PM.