Mech Names
Started by Captain KoS, Nov 24 2024 08:04 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 24 November 2024 - 08:04 AM
Can we get an extra line in the target info that has what the player named their mech? I love coming up with fun names for all my creations and would love to share them with everyone. I mean who would not find it hilarious to find out the Annihilator that they blew your head off was named "Mr. Sniffles."
Posted 16 December 2024 - 07:26 AM
Captain KoS, on 24 November 2024 - 08:04 AM, said:
Can we get an extra line in the target info that has what the player named their mech? I love coming up with fun names for all my creations and would love to share them with everyone. I mean who would not find it hilarious to find out the Annihilator that they blew your head off was named "Mr. Sniffles."
For this to be reasonable, particularly for privacy reasons (and maybe even for security, depending on how a player used their Mech Nickname field at the time), there would need be a toggle in each player's options to enable blocking of such shared Mech Nickname displays to others. You know, like how we can disable display of Player Titles simply by doing a manual disengage on them, but it would probably be better as a realtime Settings switch item instead. Not everyone is going to desire the share of their Mech Nicknames with other players, particularly when it could mean displaying some cryptic junk that nobody else should see and/or could understand!

For the note, IF you decide you're NOT willing to include this functionality in your Mech Nickname idea, and are bent on forcing everyone to show their Mech Nicknames unto the world, then you can consider me AGAINST your idea entirely. That said, IF you're willing to DO the right thing and include this toggle functionality in your Mech Nickname idea, then you can consider me as a SUPPORTer of your idea. Your choice which side of the fence that I'm on here!

~D. V. "feeling you missed a needed requirement on Mech Nickname display control for everyone" Devnull
(p.s.: I'm simply trying to warn of the caveat here... Hope you avoid ignoring this major concern!)
[Edit by post author for minor missed formatting... All fixed!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 16 December 2024 - 07:28 AM.
Posted 16 December 2024 - 05:47 PM
Well of course it would be optional. Why would anyone force that kind of thing?
Posted 17 December 2024 - 03:01 AM
Captain KoS, on 16 December 2024 - 05:47 PM, said:
Well of course it would be optional. Why would anyone force that kind of thing?
In that case, you should make that more evident in your thread-starter opening post. While some things may be obvious to one set of people, it will not be for others. Other people could possibly be more likely to have knee-jerk reactions about your writing above. Not everyone reads beyond an opening post before replying.

I also realized one more thing. All of this Mech Nickname display will really need two checkboxes for proper control. One to allow the player displaying theirs, and a separate one to enable viewing others. It really should avoid being all merged into one checkbox as some kind of all-or-nothing which forces someone to share if they wish to view, particularly since merging those would hurt audience levels on this feature idea.

~D. V. "trying to help avoid the foot-gun on this idea about Mech Nickname display for other people" Devnull
(p.s.: Your post gets a +'Like' for the discussion value.)
Posted 17 December 2024 - 03:29 AM
Oh of course I get what your saying. These days common sense just isn't that common anymore. If anything it's been murdered by the latest generation of tide pod eaters. The same people who need a warning label on a hair dryer that says. "This end produces heat."
Posted 17 December 2024 - 04:43 PM
D V Devnull, on 17 December 2024 - 03:01 AM, said:
I also realized one more thing. All of this Mech Nickname display will really need two checkboxes for proper control. One to allow the player displaying theirs, and a separate one to enable viewing others. It really should avoid being all merged into one checkbox as some kind of all-or-nothing which forces someone to share if they wish to view, particularly since merging those would hurt audience levels on this feature idea. 

martian, on 17 December 2024 - 06:16 AM, said:
This is the most important bit.
Actually the BOTH of them are VERY important... That said, 'martian', your post has caused me to thoroughly realize one more thing about this matter, and I am very thankful to you for it!

Along with adding this Mech Nickname display feature, there would also need to be an available Report Option on the In-Game Match Player Listing which players could use. After all, players need be able to tell PGI's MWO Moderation Staff when someone uses Inappropriate Language on their Mech Nickname instead of keeping it civil. Good catch there in triggering my mind the right way!

~D. V. "Yeah, 'martian', you're right about needing an additional reporting function there!" Devnull
(p.s.: Your post gets a +'Like' for the discussion value.)
[Edit by post author for a minor formatting issue, and some missed words that are rather important for context... This one was annoying, but it's fixed now!!!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 17 December 2024 - 04:48 PM.
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