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Solving The 'mech Moves On Its Own' Issue


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#1 Diesel Duck


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Posted 08 March 2025 - 02:11 PM

Seen many comments on this and other forums, about the problem where, when a mech first drops and when you press B or Tab, your mech changes speed. And it is never solved. Most people say 'just report it as a bug'.

The key point is - it is always to the same speed. For some players it is full reverse, for some its stop, for some its 33% forward. In fact it can be ANY speed, but for the same player it is always the same speed, every time. If you mech starts at 43% reverse, everytime you press Tab it goes to 43% reverse, every time you press B it goes to 43% reverse.

Now when people have been trying to solve this, the solutions they give are always wrong. Throttle decay? Nope. Corrupted keymap? Nope. Virus? Nope. Hotkeys messed up? Nope.

In fact what the problem is, you have a flight stick, xbox controller, car steering wheel pedals, HOTAS joystick, Farm Simulator excavator auxiliary control panel, or other peripheral attached, and the game is picking up the throttle setting on THAT as the default setting. Even if, like most players, you only ever use kb+mouse to play this game.

So to solve this? Settings, Controller, and in the box for 'Analog Throttle', delete everything.

#2 w0qj


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Posted 11 March 2025 - 05:25 AM

Thanks for your sharing.

Oh, and a warm welcome to MWO! ;)

#3 Tesunie


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Posted Yesterday, 06:20 AM

I would imagine just unplugging such a device when not in use would also solve the problem...?

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