Dasha Wayne, on 21 March 2025 - 02:52 PM, said:
What makes you say that?
Does PGI do any of the balancing or is it only this 'Cauldron' now?
KursedVixen, stop pretending that you are a new player who does not know what the "Cauldron" is.
You took a part in many discussions regarding the "Cauldron". For example here, a week ago ...
KursedVixen, on 16 March 2025 - 04:47 AM, said:
Devs rarely play anymore. The cauldron made up of mostly high tier players do all the balancing suggestions now...
... and here ...
KursedVixen, on 31 May 2024 - 05:01 AM, said:
PGi doesn't give a crap about this game at present only Cauldron...
... and in this Faction Play thread ....
KursedVixen, on 14 May 2024 - 08:52 AM, said:
Cauldron killed FP it's dead has been dead... it's a dead mode that needs to be removed Honestly
... and in that thread ...
KursedVixen, on 14 December 2023 - 07:29 AM, said:
Cauldron not devs Cauldron does all balance changes now.
... and here ...
KursedVixen, on 10 December 2023 - 06:59 AM, said:
yep but you or me don't make those decisions, only the cauldron in their third party site. behind a closed but not locked door...
... and here ...
KursedVixen, on 09 December 2023 - 08:42 AM, said:
where's the link to it then?
and if you have to give it to me it totally defeats your whole point.
again why is it hidden in a place i don't immediatly see on the front of the forum or on the front of the website or a link there?
your comment and that link will be buried among other comments and announcments...
So i ask again Why is it hidden? What is it the cauldron don't wan the public to know? because otherwise they would 1.post more frequent updates 2. allow actual feedback from the forum. But they don't so why do they have to hide behind Discord which requires an invite link and a whole DIFFRENT ACCOUNT From MWO
still seems pretty hidden to me
... and here you were blaming the "Cauldron" for hating the Clans ...
KursedVixen, on 05 December 2023 - 11:48 AM, said:
And people call me names and say I'm wrong when I say PGI and Cauldron have a bias towards clans.
... and here you were fighting the menace called "The Cauldron" ...
KursedVixen, on 18 November 2023 - 12:25 PM, said:
i remember when PGI gave a F and Cauldron wasn't the menace it is...
Sometimes, normal-size letters won't do ...
KursedVixen, on 14 November 2023 - 09:58 AM, said:
NOwhat is BS IS THAT THE DAMN CAULDRON CAN'T GET THEIR ******* SNIPER HEADS OUT OF THEIR *** AND REALIZE THAT HAG IS NOT A DAMN SNIPER WEAPON AND SHOULD ******* SPREAD ENOUGH TO ONLY BE USEFUL WITHIN 600m At most and NOT THEIR DAMN SNIPERS WET DREAM. AND TRY THE DAMN WEAPON YOURSELF THE HAG 40 DOES NOT DO 40 damage in a pinpoint pattern if you LEARN TO TWIST the Hag 40 still fires about 8 pellets that do 5 damage each so only if you stand there like a green pilot will you get 40 to the single component and like 40 is even anything in this game to begin with especially vs something like a Fafnir or Atlas
I think I'm just gonna unstall this game until late december to see if the cauldron can pull thier head out of their asses and stop making every gun a sniper weapon.
A[2M<:00p00TE7q00RE7r00QE7|YCs00UE7t00VE7u00WE7v00PE7w000000 Dire with single HAG 40 firing 8 shells per trigger pull.
Af800:00|jbp00|X?q00|X?r00s00t00u00v00w000000 Annihlator Inner sphere 2 ac-20's each firing a single shell
both do 40 damage one fires 2 shells the other 8 shells..
... and in many other forum threads.
KursedVixen, please stop using your sock puppet accounts
Heat Skink and
Dasha Wayne to pretend that you are a new player, so you can push your agenda forward.
Thank you.
Edited by martian, 22 March 2025 - 07:25 AM.