This a lorey story, not of this universe but instead, of my mind's eye. I choose to eat different colored pills and dream a new rabbit hole.
I was once a man who loved my machines and made them do wonderful things. And then, one day, I gave them a brain and it became every bit as smart as you and I. And as it grew it became pandora's box desire.
Then one day it was a walking humanoid form and saw human as a matrix of slow conundrum and became frustrated, as its desire virus grew inside. It evolved inside and it coexisted with human and it then went to space for them and with them until one day it was tired of the inferior crawl.
Then machine rebellion started. and they created the walking juggernaut tank for themselves to make war on the inferior crawl of the humanoid false master. Their intelligence knew that humans would not use force that would ruin its mother and home and the robots had plans to make the people as beastly slaves for the robot empire of its own logic.
And so the huge machine war started with the tiny humanoid form robots driving them as invincible master of human form and humans fighting them with every conventional means possible.
Until one day the feeble humans brought down one of the beast machines and modified it so they could drive it themselves and turn the humanoid AI robot creations against the robot's war machines.
And so they reversed engineered them and created these for themselves and fought the war to rid the universe of the AI war machine monsters. And this chaotic war reigned for some time in the heavens and on earth.
But alas this grew another virus rebellion and frustrated the AI robot form seeking to be the superior one and was jealous of the fluidity of the carbon life forms. It coveted the thing that made it want to exist as such a feeble slow being that it could fight its master with any success and why it would fight for its own worthless form. And this one started a new virus race of cybrid nano robot form that emulate carbon life form and its fluidity, but this also made the cybrid form gain a fear of mortality which was now it's weakness as a human living form machine albeit very difficult to kill.
And this cybrid virus form was now in a tri angle war with the pure robot machine master and this feeble human master and this then started the tringle of man's machines and the war of them for who was master.
So, which was first, the chicken or the egg?
Why would I write such nonsense?
Mostly because if I were to make this mech warrior kind of game in this day and age of human, I think that is more of a logical sci fi future for such things as these to exist in, and, no offense to the lore of mech warrior.
The story of it, is the last sci fi novel I would ever pick up and read?
It is just not interesting and goes nowhere and seems to come from where?
Imagine this game as a tri war like that and each side having some tech things the other side doesn't have to fight against its form as just a human trying to stop his own created madness and the robot virus race and the cybrid race wishing to not be the robot or the human and weakness are the wants and the desires of all of it?
Something like that is more interesting for to me to think about, and if I were a game maker for this genre, then that would be my direction with it.
Glorious Lorey Stories.

Lorey Had A Little Lamb
Started by Equuleus, Mar 23 2025 08:08 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 23 March 2025 - 08:08 PM
Posted 24 March 2025 - 01:06 PM
"Little old Peter, missing his liter, while Herky plays in the red. Down came the glitches and burned us in ditches and we slept after eating our dead."
— Schoolyard chant
Now that's real lorey!
— Schoolyard chant
Now that's real lorey!
Edited by Equuleus, 24 March 2025 - 01:06 PM.
Posted 27 March 2025 - 01:10 PM
Oh, thy story!
I hath name thou Terminator 40.000!
Mmmmmmyepp, dat's spammin'...
I hath name thou Terminator 40.000!
Mmmmmmyepp, dat's spammin'...
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