Bishop Steiner, on 02 August 2012 - 06:24 PM, said:
Right........ so in a universe where mech weapons are heavier, less powerful, and shorter ranged than 20th centrury weapons, somehow we have the magical vibro-katana that is shatterproof? You'll have to forgive me if I find that concept a little laughable. Especially since Battletech was largely based on (poorly understood) 20th century physics
Battletech is science fiction. Any work of fiction requires
suspension of disbelief. If you really want to talk about non-sensical areas of battletech, consider that an Atlas should weigh well over 500 tons. That level of realism has no place in this universe. So in conclusion, yes, its entirely possible we have viable sword weapons in the universe. This is fairly heavily grounded in canon as well.
Bishop Steiner, on 02 August 2012 - 06:24 PM, said:
Heck, while we are at it. let's add adamantium laced endo steel IS, so we can have indestructible mechs, too. Heck any allow that would make the katana so strong would be nigh impenetrable as armor!
Well that just wouldn't be any fun!
Bishop Steiner, on 02 August 2012 - 06:24 PM, said:
As for the "art" part.... I get a dozen noobz whining my mech design looks to anime-ish, but a sword weilding samurai mech is "totally Battletech"? That's pretty rich.
Your design is an amazing piece of art, but aesthetically it just doesn't fit battletech. Sure, thats my opinion, but it seems the majority of forum users agree with me. It also seems the majority of people want to see this art piece wielding a sword as well.
In canon, the No-Dachi wields a sword, so yes, it is "totally battletech." Since you're an artist, I'd suggest trying to be more open to constructive criticism.
Bishop Steiner, on 02 August 2012 - 06:24 PM, said:
Folks, instead of trying to justify the katana, just give the real reason, "I want it cuz it looks teh kewlzor"! At least then it's an opinion, which we are all allowed. (BTW, MY opinion? Teh katana sword looks teh stupid. )
Umm... didn't I do that exact thing a few posts back?
Keyne, on 02 August 2012 - 05:12 AM, said:
I want to see an awesome No-Dachi redesign with an equally awesome sword. I don't care if the physics behind it don't make perfect sense!
Edited by Keyne, 05 August 2012 - 04:46 PM.