SakuranoSenshi, on 10 August 2012 - 11:28 PM, said:
Ak-74 doesn't shoot the same ammunition at all as an AK-47, by the way. One is 7.62 Russian, the other 5.45 Russian. (5.45 x 39 and 7.62 x 39).
Which technically are vastly different in the realm of assault rifle performance...
Warsaw 7.62 that AK-47 used is massive compared to the 5.45
comparatively they are analogues to NATO
7.65 7.62 vs NATO 5.56 [whopse, didn't see that, thx for noticing it]
one is a large massive round commonly used in battle rifles, the other a smaller but high velocity round...
one lighter than the other, trading potency at longer range for more bullets carried.
Skylarr, on 10 August 2012 - 11:40 PM, said:
So my forces arrive at the Jump Point on day zero. You detect me right away, this planet has a good tech crew onduty. Then you send a call out for help. The next planet to yours receives call for assistnce. It starts to recall personnel. Starts to load up equipment and supplies.
Lets say they have a well geared machine and launch in 2 days. Lets say they have a 5 day trip to their Jump Point. When they jump in system I am 4 days away from landing and they are 6 days away. I will be landing my forces 2 days before they land on planet. I have 2 days to slam my forces into yours.
I will bring enough forces to counter your forces you already have on planet and enough to counter what you bring to re-inforce with. Most of the time battles go on for weeks before re-inforcements arrive. Since you have moved some of your front line forces to handle you digruntle civilians I may not have that hard of a time taking the planet.
Note: while i am sure the idea that disgruntled civilians would threaten to rebel would be interesting to use as a novel material, realistically that's about as likely as needing to shift a military platoon because a company went out of business and had laid off it's employee.
Government acquisition incidentally, is done almost every time during the war, and outside the war... it's probably as old as the idea of government itself in the history.
As for the idea of the invasion itself, consider a few things as well:
first one i can think of is that since the defender would have the extra time to defend themselves, the expectation is that they should be able to dug in better than if they had less time to prepare.
second is that if we had mines, why not put some in the orbit which... well you know, can't be bypassed if they actually wanna land.
third of course is that this assumes we have no vessel to intercept them either
Now let's pretend all the above are bypassed, you emerge in system, the defender notes your fleet size and signal for help while they prepare for the incoming assault (let's pretend they have no ships, there's no orbital mine, no orbital defense, nothing... there's just dropships and mech THAT's IT).
Let's say it takes 2 days to mobilize an army to assist and ship off, from the start though the defender already knows roughly how many are inbound to the planet, so if anything they should realize already if they actually need to mobilize more troops to repel them or otherwise retake the planet in worst case scenario.
Skylarr, on 10 August 2012 - 11:40 PM, said:
Capital missile come out in 3056, Sub-capital weapons are developed by WoB in 3072.
All military dropships have weapons already on them. They are used to keep the aerospace at bay. The Aerospaces jon is not to destroy the incoming Dropships, but, to disable them or damage them enough that they cannot land.
The Dropship is considered LostTech and is never targetted while it is on the ground. And a Dropship will not target Mechs on the ground. Then it launches the enemy woud try to disable it so it coud be captured.
I'd like to point out that if this was the case during each Succession war then they have a funny way of targeting since Dropships losing weapons and taking fire was described several times (including some that were destroyed), mechwarrior mercenaries player probably can remember one as well when they quite clearly don't consider the Dropship off limit as target, and the dropship certainly don't seems to hold back either in shooting the other mechs... so i am confused where they are doing this 'we will not shoot the dropship, so don't shoot us' apply.
Are you sure you are not mixing up Jumpship and Dropship here? Jumpship i can sort of picture it, but Dropship from the portrayal i can remember as far back does not seems to enjoy such immunity, nor do they seems to be hesitant and firing their guns right back at the Mechs near their landing zone.
But putting that aside... what about the second part???
Q-Ship - Military conversion of a civilian vessel, typically cargo ships. First introduced by the Star League Defense Forces prior to the
Star League Civil War.
Cargo ships... turned into military vessel... hell they even gave it the same name as the historical Q ships, done since SLDF era and with shipyards that can produce these vessels not only intact but capable of manufacturing the weapons that would be useful to arm them...
Don't tell me they consider armed cargo ships Lostech too...
Edited by Melcyna, 11 August 2012 - 12:29 AM.