Ridiculous Battletech Facts
Posted 09 May 2014 - 11:44 AM
House Kurata has built one.
Posted 13 May 2014 - 12:34 PM
Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:49 PM
- There is a mech that quite literally will most likely fall on its a** every time it fires its weapon
Posted 03 June 2014 - 11:56 AM
PaintedWolf, on 30 July 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
-Plasma weapons are efficient!
-Same armor will protect against heat, electrical, magnetic, kinetic and physical weapons equally well. No nanotech or smart-material used!
-A mech can survive 15-20 missiles, but 1 AC-20 shot will cripple it.
-Mechs can be "climbed on" by infantry, that plant explosives.
-Machine guns are more terrifying to infantry then fusion powered lightning guns.
1: Only if you blindly believe that the game ranges are 100% accurate, which is difficult due to the game indicating that many weapons actually have max effective range that is line of sight, out to the horizon... as for accuracy well IIRC B-tech Devs are using the Uber ECM angle, though strong armor and agile units angles do show up from time to time... Also theirs a host of contradictions of a Machine gun only having a range of 90 meters stick... A few of them, Space ranges, in space that machine gun has a stated range of 108km, yet on the ground it's just 90m, a number or rules in tactical operations extend the ranges of most weapons, many can reach out to the horizon... in the RPG (and a number of novels) many infantry weapons would out range their vehicle based counter parts... An Infantry LRMs range of 2,100m vs a vehicle LRM of just 630m... (their also a few references to 3km sniper kills in the fluff).
Further more a PPC firing at a airborne fighter can hit said aircraft flying at 2,000 meters above the ground, yet can not harm a mech that is 550 meters away from it? Even better a machine gun per the game can not harm a mech that is 120 meters away from it (baring tactical operations rules) yet can hit a target that is at an elevation of 500 as long as it's within 90 meters (3 hexes), by the way that is 3,000 meters above it!
3: Actually this is not true, as each value is likely different... the armor might have a value of say 10 megajoules per damage point for kinetic energy rounds vs say 50 megajoules for energy weapons...
4: This is possible in real life, and goes with the size of the weapons and the damage resistance of the armor for these weapons...
5: In real life before the advent of "longed" ranged Anti Tank weapons one of the ways to deal with them is to climb on them...
Exilyth, on 30 July 2012 - 03:15 PM, said:
Not Correct, No B-tech space craft can go FTL using it's fusion drive, though the fuel efficiency is stupidly efficient.
Elessar, on 31 July 2012 - 12:02 AM, said:
-infantry usually operates together in 20-30 men strong units and stays rather close together, so that they can be better mowed down with Battlemech MGs and Artillery
1: While this is true in real life, in the B-tech universe this is not the case.
2: Per the fluff this is not as it seem, their a lot more spread out in the fluff than in game, the RPG indicates that the closeness is to facilitate anti armor attacks better, spread out that individual infantry men is effectively useless dealing with a mech or tank...
Striker1980, on 31 July 2012 - 12:50 AM, said:
Said Gauss rifle fires Hypersonic slugs, Said autocannons are at times described as firing hyper velocity projectiles (modern definition of hyper velocity is around 2km/s), though this makes you wonder just how fast the hyper velocity autocannons are...
Also they did put a 120mm cannon on it, it's just called the Blitzkrieg (many class 20 autocannons are 120mm based)

Theodor Kling, on 31 July 2012 - 01:29 AM, said:
Actually only a small part of the galaxy has been visited by jumships. So they might be out there somewhere.. or not

- Computer systems capable of controlling a fusion power plant inside a moving, jumping, falling etc mech are not capable of getting a decent aim for the weapons.
- Despite mechs positivly glowing from their exess heat, heat seeking missiles are absent.
- A 100 ton metal mosnter with a fusion reaktor that screams lowdly "HERE" in infrared, on a magnetometer, and probably also in gamma radiation can HIDE behind a building.
1: Well the Devs seem to favor uber ECM...
2: IR missiles do exist though they require the mech to be hot (4+ on it's heat scale) to be able to track, fluff wise it seems IR jammers are commonly used (as are laser spoofers, and other such gear)
3: It would seem that combat vehicles are surprisingly stealthy, even with out stealth armors...
Said Uber ECM is all back ground noise and thus ignored by the game...
Brenden, on 31 July 2012 - 09:01 PM, said:
- A gauss rifle's ammunition is non-explosive, but when the weapon is hit it explodes like an internal ammo explosion
- They use colorless holograms instead of a colored High Definition Telly
- No 'mech over 100 tons (That's canon, the Ares is not canon. )
- I don't think Fry is in this future.
1: Incorrect Aerospace fighters are all single stage to orbit capable, and can reach the moon and return back to its base on earth in under a day, and have fluff based feats that state they can go hypersonic (Mach 5+) as low as 500 meters (1,640 feet).
2: Real life Rail gun prototypes currently do not use explosive based ammo, they rely on raw kinetic energy to do the job.
3: Incorrect, B-tech can create a quasi star trek holo deck, using High quality graphics, audio, tactile feed back and smell, heck they have holographic video game consoles.
4: Incorrect the Ares is 100% canon, their are a small number of mechs that are over 100 tons now.
Daniel Wraith, on 01 August 2012 - 06:35 AM, said:
Well if your talking about a Naval Gauss rifle perhaps but, no mech based Gauss rifle slug weighs that much, at most they are 250kg with the heavy Gauss. Capital Gauss weighs as much as 500kg (the beetle is ~800kg)
Helbourne, on 04 August 2012 - 06:24 AM, said:
1: Your own post also indicates why the ranges are seemingly so short, to get a realistic range for a weapon requires 6-10 map sheets, Mobility is now largely irrelevant as if you can see him you can hit him, so your now playing turret tech, and you also will need roughly a 15 foot wide playing area... I do not think many people have that kind of room...
as for the Targiting computers, The computers are likely not that heavy though theirs the hardening of it's components to withstand impacts, the Coolant systems, power systems, data feeds, and the real reason for the mass of the system, counter recoil systems, extra fine elevation and traverse gear... In Modern fire arms terms it's not just a fancy optic, but also a Bipod, a recoil adsorbing stock and a host of other bits that help increase the accuracy of the weapon.
I will close this by stating one insane fact: When Teraforming Venus they speed up it's rotation, Venus in real life has a day that lasts longer than it's year (it's around 243 days, a year is ~225 days), however Venus in Battletech has a rotatinal period of just 48 hours.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:12 PM
kosmos1214, on 26 January 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:
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Posted 27 January 2015 - 07:12 PM
Did anyone mention that the Clans thought they could conquer tens of trillions of people with about 100,000 warriors?
Posted 27 January 2015 - 07:35 PM
- Water in the IS is rarely deeper than your average light mech...
- Buildings in the IS have magical walls you can see through, but cant shoot through

Posted 27 January 2015 - 07:37 PM
TripleEhBeef, on 27 January 2015 - 07:12 PM, said:
Did anyone mention that the Clans thought they could conquer tens of trillions of people with about 100,000 warriors?
As far as I can make out according to the Clan fanboys we are not supposed to talk about that.
Appearently its not supposed to matter, because.... ahh its just not......
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