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Repainted Concept Art


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#104 RangerRob


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 05:57 PM

Pure Awesome stuff Hayden!

Comguard Atlas in the queue?

#105 Hayden


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:54 PM

Thanks everyone! No more requests for now, I'll take more in about a week or so!

View PostRangerRob, on 10 November 2011 - 05:57 PM, said:

Pure Awesome stuff Hayden!

Comguard Atlas in the queue?

Thanks! We'll see what comes down the pipe :)

View Postwanderer, on 10 November 2011 - 04:59 PM, said:

Alex does great 'Mech artwork.

You do incredibly good coloring of said artwork. You should put your heads together, Hayden. Seriously.

I appreciate the sentiment, but Alex is the real talent here. The stuff I do really only requires technical proficiency and research, whereas creating the base images takes real vision, time, and skill. Anyway, maybe someday we could collaborate. I'd certainly welcome the opportunity!

Edited by hayden, 10 November 2011 - 10:48 PM.

#106 MausGMR


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 03:15 AM

Thanks for doing alpha galaxy colours as well mate, those are great. SJ <3 =D

#107 phelanjkell


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 07:52 AM

Hayden, you do realize that amount of work you have put into these is going to quadruple once more mech concepts are released?!?! lol FD's work is amazing, and your allowing us to see possibly a feature of customization in the game, paint schemes.

Stuff like this I hope, DEV'S ARE YOU WATCHING?!!? is allowed in their game. To basically say, "This is my battlemech, their are many like it, but this one is mine..." sorta creed. Great work so far Hayden, and to you FD " You are awesome good sir... awesome."

Edited by phelanjkell, 11 November 2011 - 07:52 AM.

#108 Der BruzZzler von Wiesndoof


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:12 AM

Awesome work, hayden!
The Smoke Jaguar IIC's are real beauties! Can't wait to see more of them...

#109 Hayden


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 05:54 PM

Thanks folks!

View Postphelanjkell, on 11 November 2011 - 07:52 AM, said:

Hayden, you do realize that amount of work you have put into these is going to quadruple once more mech concepts are released?!?! lol FD's work is amazing, and your allowing us to see possibly a feature of customization in the game, paint schemes.

Stuff like this I hope, DEV'S ARE YOU WATCHING?!!? is allowed in their game. To basically say, "This is my battlemech, their are many like it, but this one is mine..." sorta creed. Great work so far Hayden, and to you FD " You are awesome good sir... awesome."

Haha, I'm really excited for more, and I have a strong feeling there will be. Just gotta be patient, you know?

I totally agree that we should have either a huge level of customization or at the very least a huge number of options in skins to use.

Anyway, just so you guys know, I'll be taking a few days off from the repainting stuff. I've kept up a pretty high tempo and I need to take a break, play some skyrim. I'll have more stuff soon. (And yes, there is one that's currently a work in progress I haven't forgotten. Maybe that one will go up today or tomorrow.)

#110 sNeepTray


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 09:44 AM

Puting some bad a** words on the mecks would be awesom IMO

-havy mettal(atlas)
-armour piercing(hunchbacks shoulder gun)
-biger than yours(hunchbacks shoulder gun)
-rest in pieces(atlas)

#111 CoffiNail


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 09:52 AM

http://ghostbear304.enjin.com/home Once again Hayden, thanks for the amazing work!

#112 Hayden


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 10:33 AM

Hey guys, filled up my last image post, so I'm starting up this new one. Back in the swing of things after a few days off. Hopefully today we get some more of that yummy concept art! I will take some requests once we get new concept art. Or maybe sooner, if I start feeling generous, which isn't unheard of. Hope everyone has been having a good week!

EDIT: More on pages 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7.

My first image of the day is a Jenner of the 2nd Night Stalkers. This paint scheme is a bit unconventional as the pilot has decided to paint a skull on his cockpit, which would normally be the same shade of blue as the main body and lower arms and legs.
Posted Image

EDIT: I think today is for the Dragon. 5th Sword of Light Jenner. Probably the most basic paint scheme ever. From what I understand, Sword of Light units are never painted in anything other than red and unit markings, no customization or anything. Anyone else know anything about 'em?
Posted Image

EDIT: Hunchback of the 42nd Galedon Regulars. See if you can spot the late 20th century Japanese pop-culture icon. I swear, Snord's Irregulars alumni are everywhere...
Posted Image

EDIT: Last one for the night. This is a Hunchback from the 2nd Arkab Legion, which serves house Kurita and the Draconis Combine. This unit is notable, because most units do not feature the DC's Dragon. Goodnight!
Posted Image

EDIT: I guess Steiners today? 10th Lyran Regulars Hunchback.
Posted Image

EDIT: Blue Star Irregulars Atlas.
Posted Image

EDIT: Clan Coyote Hunchback IIC. Because Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear and Smoke Jaguar have gotten all the attention so far.
Posted Image

EDIT: Clan Jade Falcon Hunchback IIC of the Delta Galaxy.
Posted Image

Edit: Clan Wolf Iota Galaxy Hunchback IIC. The last of the "big four" needed some attention.
Posted Image

Thanks for watching!

Edited by hayden, 24 November 2011 - 07:45 AM.

#113 Cyttorak


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 11:36 AM

How about posting a tutorial for how to make these recolorations?
I think I could do a bit myself, if I just knew more about my graphics program's settings.

#114 Hayden


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 12:53 PM

View PostCyttorak, on 16 November 2011 - 11:36 AM, said:

How about posting a tutorial for how to make these recolorations?
I think I could do a bit myself, if I just knew more about my graphics program's settings.

Ask and ye shall receive (Sorry if this is convoluted. I've been using PS for quite a few years, but never bothered to learn the proper terminology for a lot of things. That, coupled with the fact that I've been running on caffeine for the past couple days mean this is going to be an interesting tutorial).

This will just cover the basics. If it's too confusing I'll come back after I've had a chance to sleep so I can fix things.

I'd like to give a tutorial for freeware like GIMP, but I just don't have the working knowledge for that. This tutorial assumes that you are using one of Adobe's Photoshop CS programs. My particular version is CS5, but I think my technique should be backwards-compatible. I discourage piracy, and if anyone doesn't have a legal copy of Photoshop I will be happy to sit down and take the time to learn GIMP so I can prepare another tutorial for you to use. Please don't pirate software.

Ok, now that the PSA is over, let's edit some concept art! This tutorial assumes you are basically unfamiliar with Photoshop CS5.

Step 1:
Open Photoshop.

Step 2:
Open the image you'll be editing, and (if you want to have a template you can go back to) save the image as a .psd file.

Step 3. create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N, or Layer>New>Layer...) On the window that pops up it will ask for the following info:

NAME: (For this tutorial, type in "Soft White").
CHECK BOX ("Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask" just ignore this)
MODE: (This is important! Set this one to "Soft Light")
OPACITY: (Leave this at 100%)

Then press OK! You now have a new layer over the image. You can select it in the "Layers" section in the lower right-hand corner. Do this now.

Step 4:

Select the "Soft Light" layer.

Press L. (This is the hotkey for the lasso tool, which is going to be important for this next part)

You will notice that the lasso tool is now highlighted (tool bar is on the left side of the screen). Hover your mouse over this and hold down the mouse button while hovering over it: This will bring up a small menu allowing you to chose between the Lasso, Polygon Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools. Unless you have very steady hands, you'll probably want to use the Polygon Lasso tool.

With the Polygon Lasso tool selected, mask out the parts of the image you'll want to edit (I.E. change colors). You will mask out the areas by clicking where you want to start a polygon, slowly moving around the image, clicking additional places where you want the outline to go. When you're finished you click back at the starting point.

Step 5:

Press "G". This will bring up the paint bucket tool (again, you can see this in the toolbar). Color the selected area white. Press CTRL+D to de-select your selected areas if you made a mistake or if you just want to remove your selection.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have "masked" off everything you want to color.

Step 6:

Select the "Soft Light" layer that we just finished editing. Press CTRL+A (select-all), CTRL+C (copy) CTRL+V (paste). This will create a new layer.

In the Layers panel (lower right hand corner) select this new layer (it should be called "Soft Light Copy". Double click the name and rename it to "Multi White". Double click the thumbnail next to the name, and a window should pop up. There should be a tab that says "Blending Options", select that. Change the blend mode from "soft white" to "multiply".

OK! Let's recap. You should have a background (the source image), and then two "masking" layers on top of that. So far so good?

Alright, it get's easier from here.

Step 7:

create another new layer. Just a regular, defaut layer, no special changes needed (but again, I recommend you name your layer). Select your paint bucket tool and fill the entire layer with the color of your choice.

Step 8:

In the Layers panel (lower right-hand corner) Hover your mouse between the new layer and the "muti white" layer while holding the ALT key. This will make your cursor change from a mouse to two overlapping circles: when it looks like this click the left mouse button. This should apply the new color to the image.

I think you folks can figure out the rest.

#115 Korbin Wimmer


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 08:06 PM

Great stuff everyone! Keep 'em coming.

#116 Damocles


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 08:11 PM

oh hello kitty... lol

#117 carl kerensky


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Posted 16 November 2011 - 08:32 PM

Wow...amazing work people. Very inspirational. Mechwarriors are a passionate lot. :) Cant wait to see more.

#118 Overwatch


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 06:53 AM


Marian Hegemony IV Legio Atlas. II Legio was requested, but I had a hard time finding references for their color schemes, so I did IV Legio instead.

Phenomenal! Thank you!

#119 BduSlammer


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:41 AM

You do know that once the game comes out and if we can do our own paint jobs , you will be doing so many paint jobs for people that the time you get 2 play it will be mechwarrior 10

#120 CoffiNail


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:52 AM

He will be charging people for his paint schemes. Hayden's mech respray and decal works. Open mon-fri 630pm-10pm.

#121 Sean Pryde


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 12:02 PM

mmmmm CJF Delta Galaxy pwease :)
Love the work very very nice. keep it up!

Edited by Sean Pryde, 17 November 2011 - 12:02 PM.

#122 Hayden


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 01:42 PM

Thanks all!

View PostCoffiNail, on 17 November 2011 - 11:52 AM, said:

He will be charging people for his paint schemes. Hayden's mech respray and decal works. Open mon-fri 630pm-10pm.

Haha, thanks but let us not be too hasty. While the notion of making money off this is not without its appeal, I'm really doing this for the love of BT/MW. As I see it, the texture work is a good way to generate interest in the game (which I want to encourage) while bringing to light the wonderful imagery of the BT universe which has been literally decades in the making. It's a good way to get folks excited :D

View PostBduSlammer, on 17 November 2011 - 11:41 AM, said:

You do know that once the game comes out and if we can do our own paint jobs , you will be doing so many paint jobs for people that the time you get 2 play it will be mechwarrior 10

You know, I'm very willing to engage in this kind of activity. :)

View Postcarl kerensky, on 16 November 2011 - 08:32 PM, said:

Wow...amazing work people. Very inspirational. Mechwarriors are a passionate lot. :D Cant wait to see more.

The most passionate lot! :D

#123 CoffiNail


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Posted 17 November 2011 - 01:55 PM

View Posthayden, on 17 November 2011 - 01:42 PM, said:

Thanks all!

Haha, thanks but let us not be too hasty. While the notion of making money off this is not without its appeal, I'm really doing this for the love of BT/MW. As I see it, the texture work is a good way to generate interest in the game (which I want to encourage) while bringing to light the wonderful imagery of the BT universe which has been literally decades in the making. It's a good way to get folks excited :)

Alright you get paid in C-Bills or house currency of your choice :D

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