Kaemon, on 02 March 2012 - 10:19 AM, said:
And I thought, dang man I wish there was an easier way to view all of these repaints.
So I created one (I'm trying to fix the by:mwo.kaemon issue, but Flickr blows, everyone who made a repaint is listed on there, if I missed anyone or have the wrong person let me know).
This is not to direct attention anywhere else (it's the longest running thread in the forums) but just for a way to people to quickly find repaints they like without going through 62 pages of forum posts.
If people have major issues with it, PM me and I'll send it up as a group in Flickr (that might be better, as the batch file I wrote to upload this had serious issues dealing with the quoting pics, especially when people removed the quote frames).

Also...it makes a killer slide show for your second monitor!
It would be cool if PGI could open up a community library with a repainted art section. That's where it'd all belong I think.