Kharrn, on 10 December 2011 - 11:18 AM, said:

Looking forward for a new MW game...hope it will be more simulation rather than arcade but...that's another topic

Thx Hayden for your great work and inspiration! And thx to all others who contributed somehow

Credits go to Hayden again for the "Federated Suns Armored Cavalry Hunchback".
Took this nice baby to play a little bit.
Had an idea and so here i present a rather "quick and dirty" work. Im no pro in Photoshop (students edition;)) and i dont really have time for this atm, it is:
A mech from an old Northwind Highlander vet, who now is fighting alongside some unknown mercenarie unit

Sadly i don't know anything more deeply from MW history, the Highlanders or if the Mechs Colors fit or Unit Insignia or whatever xD just wantet to share an idea for a Highlander look

Keep up the good work ppl!
Seems like your link is broken, but regardless!
Welcome aboard! Hopefully you'll contribute many wonderful things as others have, and I am excited to have another person join our repainting ranks.