MCXL, on 23 December 2013 - 07:35 PM, said:
Never hurts to ask!
Appreciate the response, and keep up the good work. It's very hard to not buy more patterns than I have on these mechs. I just need MORE.
Also who should I contact about texture stretching and mismap bugs? Just normal support channel or is there someone I can PM some good screenshots too to get right through to the guy who needs it?
There are threads in the Developers' Corner and Support & Feedback sections of the forum for that (if my recollection is correct.)
Featherwood, on 24 December 2013 - 09:23 AM, said:
Another narcissistic lad, who have asked your advices? Are you Hayden's advocate or does he need some one to speak on his behalf? I doubt so. If Mr. Hayden could help all of us to get high-res. art of omnies everyone would benefit from it, that's how I see it. If not, well, never hurts to ask, quiaff?
Hey Featherwood, we are just trying to focus on sharing and commenting repaint jobs here. A plain, fun, non-political thread. If you think a gentleman like Jack Gallows is narcissistic, please view me as a super-self-centered, ultra-arrogant wannabe artist. ;-)
Agreed that we all want hi-res for the Phoenix and Clan 'Mechs. Garth Erlam is the PGI Community Manager for this site. You can connect with him regarding site specific feedback and requests. I did ask him face to face not so long ago and even used Jedi mind tricks on him... He knows we want those hi-res!
IH out.