With the amount of repaints I did, it would have helped my personal finances, quiaff? But the game is free to play, so I figured... waaait a minute!!
Tell you what, send me 500$ and I'll paint a Clan 'Mech in gold for ya!

And you know what, it may be worth more than its virtual counterpart at some point!
P.S.: Usually, we have a PM discussion re: your request and if 1) time permits, and 2) I am inspired, then I'll do it. For free. Except you have to let me kill you a few times in game...

...Joke! (on the contrary, I have become a target more than anything else... with the "go back to your repaints IH!" after I was gang r*ped kinda thing.) Pfff... People just don't appreciate it anymore when I AC40 them in the face!