"How about those ladies folks? Give it up for undisputed dance off champion The Lady Kathrine Steiner-Davion, now then I think all three of these women deserve a big hand for entertaining us."
James looked up briefly from his newsreader as the announcer's voice boomed across the great hall, and a thunderous applause from the assembled nobles followed. James smirked at the mention of Lady Katherine.
I wonder how Katie took losing...she doesn't seem the type to be outclassed easily. Must have been some dance.
James returned to reading a story about an Anniversary marking ten years since the fall of Quentin and Independence Weaponry to the Combine. James' smirk turned to a frown as he reflected on the news. He was sure that there would be members of his company back on Robinson agitating for a raid on Kuritan space to retaliate. In the long time it had taken for him to reach Tharkad, he had been away from his company for quite some time, and reports on readiness were taking a long time to reach him. He just hoped his XO was able to quell the more reactionary elements of his unit until he got back.
"Come on ladies go ahead and take your bows. The next song is for you gals.. and gents that means it's ladies choice for the next few songs, so you better brush up those manners and put down those drinks. The ballad of the Stars is about to begin. Ladies if you'll find your partners and lead us off. i'm sure we'd all be honored."
As he read, James wondered what lucky guy was going to be selected to dance with the Lady Katherine. There had to be a fair amount of politics involved, but one never knew with impetuous teenagers. By choosing a boy who was simply "cute", the young royal could alter the future of the Inner Sphere, or the entire course of a Noble's family. He'd have to make an effort to see who it was in a minute or two.
"Come on soldier boy, you didn't think I was going to let you off that easy did you?"
James snapped his head up bewildered as the distinctive, sweet, voice of Katie rang out directly in front of where he was seated.
"M'Lady Pride?"
Without another word from her, she reached out her hand and once more lead James onto the dance floor. As James made the short walk to the dance floor, it took a moment for him to notice that a spot light had been following Katie, and was now shining brightly on the pair of them. In addition, the throngs of nobles ringing the dance floor parted easily for the two of them. James gulped quickly as Katie gave him her best "innocent" grin as the music began in earnest. The nobles closed around them and the spotlight shut off, as the room became much darker. A soft, slow, song was playing, and illuminated on the vast ceiling was an effect intended to make it appear water was rippling. Pleasant, Steiner, blue tones appeared from wall sconces; the entire effect succeeding in making the casual observed think they were dancing in a giant underwater ballroom. The effect was quite calming, as was the gentle pressure of Katie's head laying softly on his shoulder. The two danced slowly for a few minutes, just relaxing and enjoying the dance together. As the song began to finish, James noticed that half of the wall sconces began to slowly transition from Steiner blue, to a distinctively more Davion red and orange composition. Gradual as it was, the effect was meant to represent a ocean sunrise, and the union of the two great houses not too long ago.
In honor of the now more aggressive color scheme, a more lively waltz began to play. As James took Katie's hand to begin the dance, he spoke for the first time in several minutes.
"Well my Lady Pride, you now know an awful lot about me and my recent history, my I know next to nothing about you, save your superb dancing skills, and your penchant for getting me into trouble. What of your exploits? Care to share with a poor Draconis March soldier what Katie Pride does to keep herself busy late at night? <wink>"
Over her shoulder, James spied Demarkus and his wife dancing not too far away. His wife kept throwing concerned and questioning glances his way. James shrugged it off as Katie began to speak.
She smiled at him again with that childlike innocence that belied true evil behind it's intentions and put her head on his shoulder as the music slowly and softly began to play.
Edited by Listless Nomad, 14 October 2012 - 05:42 PM.