Things to keep in mind when creating a topic:
1: In your initial post, try to be confident in what type of computer you want (e.g., entry-level, mid-range, enthusiast). If possible, try to not change major details like that halfway through the thread.
2: We will do our best to find the best value for your budget, but we cannot always put together the best parts with the cheapest price. Please understand that we may make sacrifices due to budget constraints.
3. While we don't know everything, most of us have years of experience. Please feel free to ask questions, as they help us accommodate your needs, and we love the feedback!
4. We are here to help you and many of us do enjoy it, however, if you are simply looking for troubleshooting or general software help, this might not be the best place.
5. Please include your estimated time of purchase so we can choose products that are on sale. Also, please note that if a purchase is not made soon after posting, the offer may have expired or the sale may have ended. Unfortunately, this may cause a time-sensitive build to run over budget.
Desktop / HTPC / Shuttle / Servers
Topic Title: (e.g., "Need Desktop PC built")
Thread Body:
- Budget:
- Primary use (e.g., Gaming, Video Editing, CAD/3D Modelling):
- More specific use (what games, what programs):
- Planned time until purchase:
- Do you need an Operating System?:
- Do you have any specific preferred components?:
- Do you need a sound or wireless card?:
- Do you want stock cooling or do you plan on overclocking?:
- Do you need a monitor? mouse? keyboard?:
- Zip code/location? (Shipping costs):
Topic Title: (e.g., "Need Laptop for less than $600")
Thread Body:
- Budget:
- Primary use (e.g., Gaming, Video Editing, CAD/3D Modelling):
- More specific use (what games, what programs):
- Planned time until purchase:
- Do you have any specific preferred components?:
- Do you need a bigger monitor? mouse? full keyboard?:
- Zip code/location? (Shipping costs):
What are your preferences in case style? (e.g., lights, flashy, dull, color)
Are you planning to use multiple monitors?
Are you looking for upgrade-ability?
Do you have any preferred brands?
Can you reuse any components from an older build?
Is there anything else you think we should know?