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Problem: Clan Player Names

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#81 Phelan Adam Davion


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:13 AM

As the Developers allready told us in one of the last intervies, there will be Tournaments on Solaris VII as a possibility to earn personal Honor (and maybe more) for the Mechwarriors of the Inner Sphere...

so it seems to me as a matter of course that the Clans will also have their own intern Playground to earn Honor (and maybe more).

If I were a Clanner, the possibility to fight for a bloodname would be the most important aspect of gaming...

besides; in the Inner Sphere we organize our rankings internal in the commanding structure of our Units.
Every Mechwarrior is a Leftenant... every Lance Leader is a Captain and higher rankings just cause more responsibility.
In the european MW4 League "BuE 3062" I was Commanding Officer of 32 men, that`s 7 Lances, so nearly 1 Batallion... We had a Colonel and a Leftenant Colonel as Webmaster/Leader etc. and a few Majors, some Captains and many Leftenants... it worked very well.

What I want to say; a bloodname is not just a cool bonus... it`s also requested for a leading position.
No Clanner will follow a Leader who owns no bloodname... right?

Edited by Phelan Adam Davion, 17 February 2012 - 05:15 AM.

#82 Khan VIadimir Ward


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 02:44 PM

so what is the current thought. then? did i goof with my canon name? or do i just have to be as badass as the real vlad?

#83 guardian wolf


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 06:56 PM

Another Ward, hmmm.... my actual clan name was Draconis Ward, but you can call me Guardian. Or Wolf, people seem to be taking to wolf.

#84 Idgaf Smirnoff


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:23 PM

Pleeze exchoose my actcent easy Callsign for me is my Name sack.. Idgaf .. Figure me out and you know how I be feeling win I's takes out you wiz my Madcat.
Idgaf Smirnoff

#85 kaziem


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 05:50 PM

Not to perform thread necromancy, but what is the problem with having bloodnames only be won through a tournament? For each invading clan, they could have one bloodname slot open per month, and everyone who wants to go for a bloodname has to fight it out in something like the grand melee or a series of short battles until they get few enough people to start in with the one-on-one battles.

Have one slot for each bloodname open per month, or after the last tournament has resolved, whichever is longer. That way at the least they have 25 months (a bit more than 2 years) before they run out of bloodname slots.

Also, no one wants to lose a bloodname once they earned it. What about having 25 "active" slots (per name) and each person who wins a bloodname has "active" status on the name for like, a year, or until their slot comes up again. Then, their name is "inactive"; they don't lose the name (or whatever benefits come with the name), but they're not in the "active" slot. Have the "active" slot come with some sort of minor bonus above having won a bloodname.

That way, no one loses a bloodname, but they can constantly have tournaments for the slots, rewarding only the best players. I'm not sure if we should let people with "inactive" names compete for the "active" slot or not. The "active" slot should definitely come with some sort of bonus, though, even if it's only cosmetic.

#86 Outrider01


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 06:11 PM

Bloodnames are irrelevant, at the end of the day you/me/they are all the samething; customers. Its easier to go by a personal chosen internet callsign if you pilot an Atlas or Daishi (we are all different this way) then it is to go by a strict naming convention dreamed up by some game nerds in the late 80s and early 90s that only fit X number of chosen Blood names (hard to be different when 2500 other dudes want to claim to be of the same Bloodname thats limited to 25 where nobody is origional in the end).

#87 Wyzak


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 06:25 PM

two data points I would like to add. There are actually hundreds of bloodnames to choose from (about 600 of the original exodus members.) This could easily accommodate 18000 blooded warriors. Presumably more then MWO will need, since not everyone will play Clan, and not every Clan member would qualify for a bloodname. I seriously doubt however that the developers will want to administer a system that complex for something that is better managed outside the game mechanic. In previous leagues, you signed up with an external clan and they managed all the rankings. I would be very surprised if external clubs did not shoulder their own administrative responsibilities here.

Second data point
It is not impossible for a bloodnamed warrior to be assigned underneath a Star Captain or Star Commander without a bloodname, as demonstrated by the fiction. Of course, in the fiction it always causes friction and sometimes is a result of some sort of punishment administered to the blooded officer.

#88 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 06:33 PM


#89 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 02:34 AM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 27 January 2012 - 01:56 PM, said:

Well firstly that is the lore. There are only 25 holders of a single Bloodname however since on average there will be 40 Bloodnames per Clan that is 40x25 = 1000 Bloodnames available per Clan. I think we will be fine. Posted Image

Secondly as CoffiNail suggested since nobody actually dies, perhaps death can be associated with inactivity.

Thanks for doing the Math for me =)

Well as I said in another Thread we were discussing, you may think 1000 is enough for you, because you might earn one and then you are in the "safe" zone because you wont lose it, scince there is only a trail of possession for genes, and not for names. But what about Players who join 3 or more month after launch? when pretty much everything is already taken, and noone wants to free a possition? Groups of players will guard the nameholders, and new people (who are also interested in a Bloodname) will be pissed because they can not fight for one.
RP like it or not is for a MMO motivation not always the best way. Creating a system of genes, and sizing names is good, but limiting the attempts of fighting for them and also the window of time will hinder the long time motivation.
Also, whats about person who gain such an honor, beeing active for a year and then never comeback, also not deleting their account or their bloodname right? (because they do not want it, they already gained one, and do not care about others)
Where is the competition in this?
I see none, and I want one. Only constant competition drives the clan further and makes it stronger. With a dev or GM (community recruited) oathmaster we have a guarded system, but making it free for everyone (and not only the RP lovers) will serve the spirit of a MMO (screw the talk about 'MWO is not really a MMO')

Also I do not like the fact that such a system will be like "aww I want to be Kerensky!" "Me too" so 128172091872 competitors for Kerensky and none to the other names. Making genestock randomized at character creation (and the option of 'taken as Bondsmen' or 'Truborn Clansmen' in the creation, for those who love their clan, and other who do not care) will make this more fair, a trueborn has no influence in what sibko he is born into.
Maybe you see that I do not like that fantasy "rightfull claim" someone is bringing into this

Edited by Andar89, 15 May 2012 - 02:53 AM.

#90 Pvt Dancer


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 02:52 AM

A) You guys have a good year to wait till clans enter the game.
:D We have no idea how Piranha will handle the Clans.
C) Seriously... it is a game and a call sign.
D) Do you really think Paranha will go out of their way to do this.

They have said you will never leave your mech. It is not about the mechwarrior at all, it is about the mechs. Your not going to get super special clan only content to earn a name. You get to compete with all the other kids for certain names. Most of the betas I have been a part of, they wiped everything and it was first come first serve to names at launch. Don't think just because your here now you have anything locked in... well, besides on the forums.

#91 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 02:58 AM

"It's a game" is no argument

It is a question of honor!


#92 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 04:41 AM

View PostAndar89, on 15 May 2012 - 02:34 AM, said:

Thanks for doing the Math for me =)

You are welcome. :D


Well as I said in another Thread we were discussing, you may think 1000 is enough for you, because you might earn one and then you are in the "safe" zone because you wont lose it, scince there is only a trail of possession for genes, and not for names. But what about Players who join 3 or more month after launch? when pretty much everything is already taken, and noone wants to free a possition? Groups of players will guard the nameholders, and new people (who are also interested in a Bloodname) will be pissed because they can not fight for one.

Firstly, not everyone will go Clan to begin with. The IS has lots of loyal supporters. (if you do not believe me, check the Davion & Kurita sections of this forum)

Secondly, not everyone that joins the Clans will be in it for the lore. Sad but realistic. Those people will not care about such things.

Thirdly, just as in the lore, newcomers to the Clan are going to have to wait for a warrior with a Bloodname to die (however that is handled) to get a shot at one anyway.

Fourthly, this goes along with the third point, just because I joined before you does not mean I just get a Bloodname (hopefully), I still have to fight for it & win it. So Larry might have joined Clan Jade Falcon six months before Steve, competed for the Hazen Bloodname but did not win it. Steve joining later on might have been going for the Mattlov Bloodname & won it. Should Larry cry "Hey I got here first, I should get a Bloodname before him!" ??? A Bloodname is earned by competing against your peers of the same Bloodright.


Also, whats about person who gain such an honor, beeing active for a year and then never comeback, also not deleting their account or their bloodname right? (because they do not want it, they already gained one, and do not care about others)

Where is the competition in this?

Well in my draft proposal I stated, I hoped that people who are not active for a certain period of time, be declared dead. That would free up the Bloodnames.


Also I do not like the fact that such a system will be like "aww I want to be Kerensky!" "Me too" so 128172091872 competitors for Kerensky and none to the other names. Making genestock randomized at character creation (and the option of 'taken as Bondsmen' or 'Truborn Clansmen' in the creation, for those who love their clan, and other who do not care) will make this more fair, a trueborn has no influence in what sibko he is born into.

Well there can only be 50 Kerenskys anyway & that problem is already being faced by the Jade Falcons as there are, as of the last count, 101 people with the Pryde Bloodname. :rolleyes:

Probably what can happen which I also stated in my Bloodname post, persons may fight for the Bloodright itself since Bloodnames are off-limits. So until you actually get your Bloodname, your Bloodright may be up for grabs. Who says us Clansmen cannot compromise? :)

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 15 May 2012 - 04:43 AM.

#93 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 04:49 AM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 15 May 2012 - 04:41 AM, said:

Probably what can happen which I also stated in my Bloodname post, persons may fight for the Bloodright itself since Bloodnames are off-limits. So until you actually get your Bloodname, your Bloodright may be up for grabs. Who says us Clansmen cannot compromise? :D

As Ulric Krensky and Antanasius Focht said before me:
"A warrior knows no Compromise, he knows only victory or defeat. Compromises are victories for the politicans."
and no ones likes politicans =D

Edited by Andar89, 15 May 2012 - 04:49 AM.

#94 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:20 AM

Well we are not going to get everything we want, so better prep for it now.

#95 guardian wolf


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 04:55 AM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 15 May 2012 - 04:41 AM, said:

Well there can only be 50 Kerenskys anyway & that problem is already being faced by the Jade Falcons as there are, as of the last count, 101 people with the Pryde Bloodname. :rolleyes:

That's why I went for Ward, besides, Vlad may be a dick, but, he's damn good.

#96 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 07:29 AM

Yeah be imaginative. Why always go for Kerensky or Pryde or Osis or Jorgensson? I mean I get the honor value attached but jeez some people just overdo it. I wish the game launches tomorrow with Clans, I want to see 101 people fight for 25 Pryde Bloodrights. When I was in the Falcons, I chose the Malthus Bloodright for the specific purpose of restoring honor to it after Adler ****** things up on Twycross.

If you go Falcons you got Hazen, Malthus, Roshak, Mattlov, Pershaw & Thastus to name a few. If you go Wolf you have Ward, Winson :rolleyes: , Carns, Sradac, DeVega & Fetladral to name a few . If you go Smoke Jaguar you have Furey, Corbett :wacko: , Weaver, Showers , Wirth & Stiles to name a few. If you go Ghost Bear you have Kabrinski, Silva, Bekker, Woods, Ortiz & Noble to name a few. Those are all :D kick-*** names.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 17 May 2012 - 07:39 AM.

#97 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 07:43 AM

where can I see the number of competitors? I want to go for Carns

#98 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 08:03 AM

We were going with the number of forum users that have Pryde as their Bloodname. There are no official rosters as yet for any Clan since the Clans have yet to be introduced. I was merely making an observation. Although there are other MW games besides MWO where you can have a separate experience. If you enter a Clan there, you should be able to work your way up to the point where you can have a ToB. You can write a RP story about how you won yours. It is up to you. For example I have Winson as my Bloodname in my forum ID, but I never won it. As mentioned before, when I was with the Jade Falcons I wanted to go for the Malthus Bloodname but they went inactive before I could do so. In fact the only Bloodname I ever won was that of Corbett with the Smoke Jaguars I play MW4:M with. The point is, be creative. Players need to understand that they are not inferior for not having one of those four. You do not have to be a lemming & run off the Kerensky/Pryde/Osis/Jorgensson cliff. (no offense to anyone)

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Also there is a spreadsheet that contains ALL the Bloodnames of the Clan warriors as well as the Labnames of the scientists. (Again props to whoever it was that took the time to do it.)

It is presented as showing the Bloodname, the Clan it originated from, other Clans that use that particular Bloodname, the Founder of the Bloodline, the Pheontype, the status, the source material it was obtained from, the page of that source material as well as notes by the person who created it. Just send me a PM, if you are interested. It is only a few kb in size. You will need Microsoft, Libre or Open Office to view the spreadsheet.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 29 October 2012 - 05:38 PM.

#99 guardian wolf


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 09:21 AM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 17 May 2012 - 07:29 AM, said:

Yeah be imaginative. Why always go for Kerensky or Pryde or Osis or Jorgensson? I mean I get the honor value attached but jeez some people just overdo it. I wish the game launches tomorrow with Clans, I want to see 101 people fight for 25 Pryde Bloodrights. When I was in the Falcons, I chose the Malthus Bloodright for the specific purpose of restoring honor to it after Adler ****** things up on Twycross.

If you go Falcons you got Hazen, Malthus, Roshak, Mattlov, Pershaw & Thastus to name a few. If you go Wolf you have Ward, Winson :rolleyes: , Carns, Sradac, DeVega & Fetladral to name a few . If you go Smoke Jaguar you have Furey, Corbett :wacko: , Weaver, Showers , Wirth & Stiles to name a few. If you go Ghost Bear you have Kabrinski, Silva, Bekker, Woods, Ortiz & Noble to name a few. Those are all :D kick-*** names.

OOC: Heh, I was a Dragoon before I went into Wolf, beat the **** out of all the Falcons I came across in the invasion, good times, good times. Hmmm... maybe I can convince my CO to take contracts in the Falcon occupation zone, I'll stop their advance dead center, and continue the advance along Wolf lines... JAROTH, I HAVE A PLAN!!!

#100 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 09:28 AM

Remember, there is no such thing as a retreat. There is only a tactical advance to the rear. :rolleyes:

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