Faenwulf, on 07 August 2012 - 01:03 AM, said:
You won't be able to set up a completely new unit for a House/Faction. You will only be able to join the canon ones or make a Merc Corp that affiliates itself with the FRR.
But Sarna has information on the FRR Units, you just need to look at the right place. Which is
here by the way. There's not as much as with the other Factions, but thats because the FRR has only palyed a minor role in all books etc.
Great historical reference there Faenwulf.
Being that I am a Jenner pilot through and through I would like it very much to support the Drakøns Unit as a member of the Hussars Unit, I can also recon with the Kavalleri Unit but that goes without saying, recon, teamwork and communication are key, oh and don't forget the blasting!
I can fire away all day & night all the while cooking along at 140.8 KPH. Just unlocked my first Elite Perk and took speed increase, paired with a 300XL, this boat cuts along nicely.