Revak Vendal, on 05 August 2012 - 11:35 AM, said:
you have a good point hard points do help. Im just use to playing the game as it was meant to be played and can drop the engine and give 4 ppc's then i feel that i should have the same priviledge here. I understand where the hard points come into play and how they help to balance out the game. Before mechwarrior 4 came out and changed all this I agree to the fact the zeus is one of my favorite mechs and it should be able to fit into this game with the same rules before mechwarrior 4.
Problem with being able to put any weapon into any mech under the battletech CONSTRUCTION rules is that players figure out the most effective mechs and the most effective loadouts. Those mechs get used the most and you end up with less diversity in play. This is not an assumption on my part, it's proven through observation of both MW3 and MW4 online playstyles.
Whatever flaws MW4 may have had, it resulted in a far more diverse use of mechs (even before MekTek's mechpacks), and those mechs custom loadouts were much closer to the mech's general feal. A Ballistic boat like the Annhilator was always a ballistic boat. An missile boat was alway's a missile boat, and so on.
For me, hardpoints make the game much closer to "how it should be". While some players may stick to "unspoken rules" and keep mechs true to their feeling without hardpoints, the vast majority do not, they go with what's most effective. This is why hardpoints need to be in the game.
Limiting customization actually results in much more diverse playstyles and a more interesting multiplayer experience.
Edited by verybad, 05 August 2012 - 11:45 AM.