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Proposition and Plan for the Great War

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#1 Listless Nomad


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 08:43 PM

To my fellows in the Davion half of our beloved Federated Commonwealth, I beseech you hear me on this dark day.

It has been said in alleys, kitchens, on corners, and even the great plazas of our beautiful nation - war is coming. We all know it, and most importantly our enemies know it. Let us not be caught on the defensive, fighting and dying on our own worlds, in the fields our fathers sowed, and in the cities our mothers built. Let us take the fight to the enemy, and save our peoples the horrors of war. Others recently have proposed brash action, running headlong into a battle they surely cannot win. They propose attacking our enemies the Capellans, without regard to tactics, strategy, or diplomacy. We of the FedCom have been blessed with our strength, our wealth, and the wisdom of our leaders. Let us not waste our gifts frivolously. I stand before you today to propose a plan of action for the coming days, one which will hopefully allow us to prevail, and provide benefit for us all.

All of us know our enemies as the Draconis Combine, and the devious Capellan Confederation. It is time we end these struggles once and for all. The method for this comes not from strength of FedCom arms alone, but requires reaching out to past enemies and new friends. The outline of plan is as follows.

Through negotiations, I propose support of an invasion of the Capellan Confederation by the Free Worlds League, thus expanding their territory, and removing a troublesome enemy from both of us. Sun Tzu Lio's engagement to Isis Marik is tricky to say the least, but Thomas Marik could be convinced that with a marriage to Sun Tzu, it is a matter of time before a Capellan assassin's blade comes for him. In addition, with a new heir in his son Joshua, sick though he may be, the succession of the Free Worlds League is secure. With the Free World's League attacking the Capellans, FedCom units would be free to participate in a two prong attack on the Draconis Combine, both from Lyran and Davion space. The Lyran attack could be in conjunction with a Rasalhague attack, thus allowing them to expand their small territory, and gain valuable manufacturing capability from our mutual enemy. Mercenary units can be used to defend the Capellan/Free worlds border should Thomas Marik become dissatisfied with our arrangement.

Now, fellow citizens, I understand that no plan survives contact with the enemy. Should the Free Worlds League and the Capellans join forces, a three pronged attack by our eneimes could be disastrous. This is a distinct possibility and must be taken into account in the run up to the war. I am confident that the promise of so many fresh worlds, without taking on the FedCom should be too enticing for Thomas Marik. I do not know for sure however. What I do know, is that with the combined might of the Steiner and Davion militaries, we have the power to crush any enemy we meet. I put this plan before you all for discussion, refinement, and implementation. I invite the leaders of our great military units to comment and amend the proposal. Should it be accepted, we can begin making entreaties to the appropriate houses' diplomatic missions.

Finally, I am aware that espionage is rife even within our loyal nation, and this plan will likely reach the ears of the enemies' commands. It is of no importance - as with your support, we shall prevail.

Thank you for your time.


A loyal Federated Commonwealth Citizen.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 18 January 2012 - 09:11 PM.

#2 Adridos


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 12:38 PM

You're missing the fact we are allies with both Kuritans and Mariks, Sun Tzu doesn't exist (or just doesn't rule right now) and that you will have to fight Clans when we join forces with Mariks and take back our worlds, but continue acting according to this plan. Nothing better than a blind enemy. ;)

#3 Alaskan Viking


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:06 PM

I like the blindly charging in and destroying the Cappellans idea more...

#4 Listless Nomad


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:09 PM

Ah welcome noble Capellan Citizen. Your loyalty to your nation is admirable, and your presence here was not unexpected. Pardon my confusion about the status of your leadership. It's hard to keep track with so many suicides and purges. One might be forgiven for believing that no one in fact runs such a deplorable state. I would encourage you to look more closely at your relationship with the Free Worlds League. i suspect that it is not quite so firm as you would believe.Your reference to the Concord of Kapteyn is admirable, but that has been dead for nearly ten years. Only the Kuritans stand beside you now. It is hard for Romano Liao to keep very many friends - unbalanced as she is. The Kuritans have long been your allies - this is true. But they will be dealt with in turn.

Also, your reference to these "clans" is without substance. Whatever periphery pirates or mercs you have managed to dredge up will be more than dealt with. Go and call on your Draconian brothers. War is coming - and your time will come.

View PostAlaskan Viking, on 19 January 2012 - 01:06 PM, said:

I like the blindly charging in and destroying the Cappellans idea more...

And so it may come to pass...

The insolence of that Liao citizen merely reinforces my assurance in their need for destruction. Let us not go blindly into this war however, as a far greater threat looms from the lands of Kurita. The Liao whelp had some merit to his comments, and this war shall not be an easy one. No matter the outcome, however, we must be resolute in our desire to take the fight to the enemy.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 19 January 2012 - 01:14 PM.

#5 Alaskan Viking


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 08:58 PM

Hear, hear! A war to end the wretched Cappellan Confederation is a worthy cause indeed! Let us grease our Gauss rifles with the blood and entrails of the enemy!

(Very out of character, sorry, couldn't help it...)

Wow, Listless Nomad is really into the whole role playing thing, isn't he?
I would love to see him try to do something in real life, like order french fries at McDonalds...lol
Acne-riddled Hamburger flipper: Hello, may I take your order sir?
Nomad: Greetings to the great house of cholesterol, may the Federated Suns and the Golden Arches live in peace forever!
Acne-riddled Hamburger flipper: Ummm, let me get the manager....
I kid, I kid! ;)

Edited by Alaskan Viking, 19 January 2012 - 09:07 PM.

#6 Listless Nomad


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 09:18 PM

lol - the jab is well deserved Alaskan Viking. My regular job doesnt let me have any fun normally - and I got tired of just commenting on what might or might not happen so I thought I might play the role of statesman for a minute. I have to say that your little skit made me actually laugh out loud - so well played sir ;)

*now back in character

I am pleased to see our Republican brothers willing to go to war once more!

#7 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 04:27 AM

Transcript of a flyer, handed out within the Capellean March
Author unknown

People of the Inner Sphere, citizens of the Capellean march!. Do you need any more proof of the underhandness and bloodlust of those self-proclaimed nobles sitting on New Avalon? Nine years have passed since the last time they attacked a peaceloving nation of the Inner Sphere unprovoked, sacrificing our beloved husbands, wifes and children for a war we, the people of the Capellean March never wanted. And here they are again, plotting another of their "great wars", this time against a state that has suffered from the insatiable Davion war machine for centuries. Once more they plan to bring bloodshed and slaughter to the innocent people of the Capellean Confederation, once more they will aks us, the people of the Capellean March, to sacrifice our loved once for their warmachine, while shrouding their deeds with big words like "liberation" and "freedom". But I ask you, citizens of the Inner Sphere, can anyone of you sleep well at night when the threat of being "liberated" by those warmongering Davions through murder and mayhem looms over your head? I say, this must be stopped! The Davions must be stopped! We, the people, don't want another war! We want to live in peace with our neighbors. And if the Davions won't listen, then we will rise up and proclaim the Capellean March an independent realm!

Edited by Thorn Hallis, 20 January 2012 - 06:21 AM.

#8 Adridos


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:13 AM

Do not waste time with these dumbs Thorn. They are simply victims of the propaganda and you could tell them anything, they would agree to be the test subject for atomic bombs, because it is "good". ;)

#9 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:22 AM

Hm, what? I did nothing. Just handing out some papers here an there... ;)

#10 Jarek Kalen


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 07:17 AM

So the only Capellan here wants to break the Ares Convention? I heard Atomic and thought Nuclear warheads. O.O

#11 Captain Hat


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 07:21 AM

It's crap like this off the nobles that's the reason I left the militia and joined a Merc command. At least this way if we get asked to do something stupid we can just refuse the contract.

Look, given the way ComStar screwed us over last time (and my own personal bias being stationed in the Draconis March) I just don't see this as being a winning proposition right now. The Capellan March has seen quite a lot of blood recently, and reading between the lines on the published deployment reports a lot of it was ours. Call me what you will (I'm a loyal Davion regardless of what you might think on reading this), but while I'd happily follow the Sword and Sun into the grave I'm just not convinced a foolhardy rush into Cappie space is the right cause right now.

Plus, you know, it's usually better to let your enemy strike first, give you a proper casus belli and (hopefully) overextend himself a little before you wade in all guns blazing. Moral high ground and such, very important politically.

#12 Adridos


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 08:14 AM

View PostCaptain Hat, on 20 January 2012 - 07:21 AM, said:

Plus, you know, it's usually better to let your enemy strike first, give you a proper casus belli and (hopefully) overextend himself a little before you wade in all guns blazing. Moral high ground and such, very important politically.

But you are Davions and that means you would do it the german way. They dressed themselves as poles and attacked their own radio station (not sure what was it). That gave them enough excuse to attack and destroy Poland in a matter of days. ;)

#13 Listless Nomad


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 09:55 AM

View PostThorn Hallis, on 20 January 2012 - 04:27 AM, said:

Transcript of a flyer, handed out within the Capellean March
Author unknown

People of the Inner Sphere, citizens of the Capellean march!. Do you need any more proof of the underhandness and bloodlust of those self-proclaimed nobles sitting on New Avalon? Nine years have passed since the last time they attacked a peaceloving nation of the Inner Sphere unprovoked, sacrificing our beloved husbands, wifes and children for a war we, the people of the Capellean March never wanted. And here they are again, plotting another of their "great wars", this time against a state that has suffered from the insatiable Davion war machine for centuries. Once more they plan to bring bloodshed and slaughter to the innocent people of the Capellean Confederation, once more they will aks us, the people of the Capellean March, to sacrifice our loved once for their warmachine, while shrouding their deeds with big words like "liberation" and "freedom". But I ask you, citizens of the Inner Sphere, can anyone of you sleep well at night when the threat of being "liberated" by those warmongering Davions through murder and mayhem looms over your head? I say, this must be stopped! The Davions must be stopped! We, the people, don't want another war! We want to live in peace with our neighbors. And if the Davions won't listen, then we will rise up and proclaim the Capellean March an independent realm!

This propaganda will not sway us from the path we have set ourselves upon. While clearly intended to weigh upon the hearts of those who command, it is clearly Capellan propaganda meant to insight an uprising amongst our own people. In the plan proposed here, Davion sons and daughters would not set one foot onto Capellan land. And yet, they distort facts and invent lies to stir the brave people of the Capellan March. True FedCom citizens know the truth about the Capellan Confederation - and how far it is from a peace loving nation. Long have they raided the borders of the Federated Suns and those of the Free Worlds League. Spitting in the face of their own Kapteyn Concord! How can any nation led by the blood thirsty tyrant Romano Liao be considered peace loving. Citizens of the Capellan March, your leaders on New Avalon hear your words and applaud your bravery and the sacrifices you have made. Should we call on you again, give us of yourselves fully, and at last we can live in peace. Rebellion will not be tolerated.

View PostAdridos, on 20 January 2012 - 06:13 AM, said:

Do not waste time with these dumbs Thorn. They are simply victims of the propaganda and you could tell them anything, they would agree to be the test subject for atomic bombs, because it is "good". ;)

Your continued presence in this place speaks to the benevolence of the FedCom leadership. We warned however, that hospitality has its limits. We have reports of your travels to the Draconis Combine, and your pleas for assistance there. Let them come - it will be of no use and your foul regime will fall once and for all soon Capellan.

View PostThorn Hallis, on 20 January 2012 - 06:22 AM, said:

Hm, what? I did nothing. Just handing out some papers here an there... ;)

Seditious acts are worthy of investigation by the intelligence secretariat citizen. Be forewarned.

View PostCaptain Hat, on 20 January 2012 - 07:21 AM, said:

It's crap like this off the nobles that's the reason I left the militia and joined a Merc command. At least this way if we get asked to do something stupid we can just refuse the contract.

Look, given the way ComStar screwed us over last time (and my own personal bias being stationed in the Draconis March) I just don't see this as being a winning proposition right now. The Capellan March has seen quite a lot of blood recently, and reading between the lines on the published deployment reports a lot of it was ours. Call me what you will (I'm a loyal Davion regardless of what you might think on reading this), but while I'd happily follow the Sword and Sun into the grave I'm just not convinced a foolhardy rush into Cappie space is the right cause right now.

Plus, you know, it's usually better to let your enemy strike first, give you a proper casus belli and (hopefully) overextend himself a little before you wade in all guns blazing. Moral high ground and such, very important politically.

Your service to the Federated Commonwealth is much appreciated Captain Hat, and I find it disheartening that you would choose to leave our armed forces for those of a mercenary company. I can sympathize with your concerns and understand your lack of faith in leadership. The Fourth Succession War was bloody indeed, and many fine Davion warriors lost their lives liberating the Capellan Confederation worlds. I would seek to avoid the same mistake twice, and have outlined a way to do so in my original plan. I had encouraged our our FedCom citizens to comment on the plan, and to refine it - but thus far it has only been whimpering Capellans, seditious traitors, and our brothers from Rasalhague who have spoken up.

Your bias from being stationed in the Draconis March is to be expected, and encouraged. As stated in my plan, the main focus of this offensive would be the Draconis Combine - but that fact has been obscured by Capellans desperately trying to save themselves. I have no intention of going to war with the Capellan Confederation, but to instead gift the ownership of those worlds to Thomas Marik of the Free Worlds League. As to your final point, while it is never preferable to be the aggressor is something as dark as war - I would take that over spilling blood on our own land and our own worlds. The leadership of the Draconis Combine has given us cause enough to be justified in bringing war to them. Let us not disappoint them.
If you still have issue with this plan, I ask you articulate what issues you have so that the plan might be adapted to address the concerns of our citizens. If you do not have issue - I ask that you consider returning to the AFFC and fight with us once more for a cause more honorable than money. Make no mistake, I will be fighting and bleeding alongside our troops until victory is achieved.

View PostAdridos, on 20 January 2012 - 08:14 AM, said:

But you are Davions and that means you would do it the german way. They dressed themselves as poles and attacked their own radio station (not sure what was it). That gave them enough excuse to attack and destroy Poland in a matter of days. :D

You are one to speak of treachery Capellan. Was it not your own failure of a leader, Mad Max Liao who attempted to switch the leader of our nation with a double. You invited war upon yourselves through your own stupidity.You do so again here and now.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 20 January 2012 - 09:59 AM.

#14 THE 3rdbreed


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 12:11 PM

View PostThorn Hallis, on 20 January 2012 - 06:22 AM, said:

Hm, what? I did nothing. Just handing out some papers here an there... ;)

We applaud your acts for the rightful government of the region. But perhaps you could help us in a different way. Do you know George Hasek? We would very much like to introduce him to our Chancellor's daughter Kali. The meeting will undoubtedly lead to deeper feelings; matrimony will soon follow. Your realm will be able to achieve independence, and if you merge with the Capellan Confederation as an independant entity you will be covered with the Kaptyen Concord as well. A revolution would be messy, but marriage keeps it in the family at least.


Seditious acts are worthy of investigation by the intelligence secretariat citizen. Be forewarned.

That Free Speech huh? If I were to envy Davion for something, it would most definitely be the fact that you can maintain a white-washed secret police force without anyone calling foul.

#15 Listless Nomad


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 12:25 PM

View PostTHE 3rdbreed, on 20 January 2012 - 12:11 PM, said:

That Free Speech huh? If I were to envy Davion for something, it would most definitely be the fact that you can maintain a white-washed secret police force without anyone calling foul.

You of all people should understand the dangers of sedition Capellan. Fear of losing what little territory you have left to the St. Ives Compact keeps your own secret police quite busy I would imagine. There is a difference between voicing grievances and calling for open rebellion. Then again they are the same to you aren't they?

Edited by Listless Nomad, 20 January 2012 - 12:26 PM.

#16 THE 3rdbreed


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 01:01 PM

View PostListless Nomad, on 20 January 2012 - 12:25 PM, said:

You of all people should understand the dangers of sedition Capellan. Fear of losing what little territory you have left to the St. Ives Compact keeps your own secret police quite busy I would imagine. There is a difference between voicing grievances and calling for open rebellion. Then again they are the same to you aren't they?

Nah, Candace Liao already proved her cowardice in absconding from her home, and leaving us under the rule of her sister. She mouths about caring for her people, and then abandons them. We have no fear of coward...er...Candace! As for sedition, Oh yes! We understand it and how to use it perfectly. :)

#17 Listless Nomad


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 02:00 PM

View PostTHE 3rdbreed, on 20 January 2012 - 01:01 PM, said:

Nah, Candace Liao already proved her cowardice in absconding from her home, and leaving us under the rule of her sister. She mouths about caring for her people, and then abandons them. We have no fear of coward...er...Candace! As for sedition, Oh yes! We understand it and how to use it perfectly. :)

I'm sure you do. When one lacks the military fortitude to accomplish tasks themselves, they must rely on the work of others. At least you can play to your strengths and know your weaknesses Capellan.

#18 Alaskan Viking


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 03:26 PM

View PostAdridos, on 20 January 2012 - 08:14 AM, said:

But you are Davions and that means you would do it the german way. They dressed themselves as poles and attacked their own radio station (not sure what was it). That gave them enough excuse to attack and destroy Poland in a matter of days. :)

They also told their troops that the Pols had been commiting genocide against ethnic Germans, and that the invasion was merely a "police action". Very similar to what the Russians said they were doing in '08...

#19 Listless Nomad


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 07:48 PM

View PostAlaskan Viking, on 20 January 2012 - 03:26 PM, said:

They also told their troops that the Pols had been commiting genocide against ethnic Germans, and that the invasion was merely a "police action". Very similar to what the Russians said they were doing in '08...

We have nothing in common with that ancient Terran nation or their tactics. Save such discussions for the holodocs and children's studies.

#20 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 21 January 2012 - 01:21 AM

View PostAlaskan Viking, on 20 January 2012 - 03:26 PM, said:

They also told their troops that the Pols had been commiting genocide against ethnic Germans...

...which actually really happened. But thats not the topic.

Oh...uhm....freedom for Tikonov!

Edited by Thorn Hallis, 21 January 2012 - 01:26 AM.

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