Riordan Lionheart, on 22 January 2012 - 07:09 PM, said:
Like I said, I support customization, but I also think that the mechs already have such variety considering how each one has multiple variants. I also think it would be better overall for the BT brand if we kept the amount of customization close to the cannon variants of each mech, which would go with the info warfare that the devs have been touting...
I'm half and half on this. If Omni mechs can be acquired you have to give me reason to want one. If this was like MW2-MW3 and I could just swap whatever/whenever then every mech is an Omni and the clans just have slightly better toys. MW4 on the other hand seemed like a decent comprimise but at the same time being able to swap any missile weapon into my Catapult still made it an Omni mech.
In the board game there wasn't much point to "tweaking" a design what with several hundred official other designs. Plus if you look through the existing varriants theres plenty of options. I could have an Axman with AC's, LRMs, or even gunpods...if I didn't want that, there's other mechs out there. In videogame land though we don't have the luxury of unlimited types of mechs. So I think if we say, get 9 mechs that it might make sense to be able to tinker with them...if we were actually going to get say, 100 (total pipdream!) then I wouldn't think we would need any Mechlab at all.
All depends on the crowd they want to bring in. Not letting us customize weapons or limiting us in how we can do it means we would have to adapt. Many of the ADHD kids of today can't adapt it seems as you can see by BF3 totally going left field from where BF2 was going to meet the CoD kids half-way.
Personally, I would be happy with pure stock mechs as long as you had the varriants to pick from as well. Maybe some jury rig options as well. Though I thought they said there would be a mechlab so who knows... I just hope that when I see a hunchback with its big ol cannon that it's not really sporting 16 machineguns instead.