Red Scorpella, on 30 April 2012 - 12:19 PM, said:
LOL yeah sit in a lake waist deep.... when I roll damage I now have twice the chance to roll a head shot, sure you can dish out damage but you also make yourself dead because of the area's that can be hit have been reduced by half, heck run into something with 6 ER Mediums and there is 100% chance a head shot will occur and remove ALL the Cockpit Armor. IDK if you know the rules for a submerged mech but you roll a 1d6 not 2d6 for hit location, any mech above level 1 ignores the partial coverage of the water but you are still vulnerable to Punch Table for damage. Daishi up mate.... I'll take my 40 Ton Zippo with 20 Small Lasers and promise that I would crack your cockpit into so many peices not to mention the club coming down after the 20 Small Lasers pepper your Punch Table locations(not to mention your sitting in water so no movement modifers either... sitting duck comes to mind).
Your rules set is out of date sir.
The current rules regarding partial cover give a +1 modifier and rolls on the standard hit location table, with damage that would be allocated to the legs ignored.
Also, water always blocks line of sight. You cannot target anything that is submerged unless you are also submerged.
You can still kick him and use the punch table though.