Clan Black Sheep is the oldest still active unit in mechwarrior history, is now actively recruiting for MWO! Having been formed in 1995 to play netmech ( mechwarrior 2 online ) we continued through the years playing every iteration of mechwarrior to come down the pipes. You'll be joining the ranks of the most laid back and chill group ever to grace a dropbay. Since I'm not much for words and speeches, I'll post the first recruiting post written by our illustrious founder, Ford Prefect ( altered just slightly to reflect the 17 year gap

Subj: Team Registration
Attention all Mechwarriors,

OK guys here it is ...... now that
Rule #1 - Thou shalt not pilot thy 'Mech unless under the influence of something. i.e. Goldschlager, NoDoze, Jolt Cola, Nyquil, ice cubes down the shorts .... anything you can get a good rush from.
Rule #2 - Thou shalt taunt thine enemies with a rapier wit, a pleasant smile and the occasional mooning out the 'ole 'mech cockpit.
Rule #3 - Thou shalt act as silly, irresponsible and rediculous as possible..... not to lull your enemies into a false sense of security but because you actually are.
For those interested in the history of Clan Black Sheep
Applicants who are interested in joining up should
Ford Prefect ( Mota Prefect ) Clan Black Sheep
JFYI - The Prefect part of my nick is my Beername won in the Clan Black Sheep Beername trials in 1996, I am not Ford Prefect.