Stargell, on 15 August 2012 - 03:55 PM, said:
To me this brings an another important issue to mind. How do the devs plan on handling house population balance? With no PvE there really is no outlet for players, and if 50% of the players decide to play Davion (yuck) how would the community warfare system balance things? 48 missions might be just right for one faction, way too little for another, and unrealistic for a small or unpopulated faction (say the FRR).
This topic came up before. I suggested a mechanic similar to the one from the OP but in the context of faction warfare way back when (mid-June?)
This can self-balance:
1) every faction world would have a "natural faction" that the population innately prefers. The "natural faction" could even have an "affiliation strength" that could determine the size of penalty/bonus it confers to attackers/defenders.
2) as your faction conquers worlds it has to hop from an existing conquered world to be able to attack another world
3) your fighting ability (drop tonnage, repair costs, etc) is hurt the longer your "supply line" from the closest world with you as a "natural faction" aka friendly world
4) your fighting ability (drop tonnage, repair costs, etc) is helped for fights deeper in your territory.
5) if an enemy "cuts your supply line" by conquering any world(s) connecting you to a friendly "natural faction" world then your fighting ability is severely penalized.
6) holding ownership of a world would provide benefits (likely access/prices for specific components or similar) so it would still be worthwhile for larger houses to conquer.
Points #3 & #4 form the core balancing mechanic: smaller houses would have their territory conquered but would then have perks if you were trying to fight back. This would help gravitate new players to smaller factions since there would be immediate benefits while not innately penalizing large factions since they only suffer when fighting in conquered territory.
In the scenario mentioned above (Davion has 50% of players):
- all Davion players would pay X cbills for a Gauss cannon at base
- Draconis Combine world Y has a Gauss cannon factory. It is at closes 6 planets away from the closest "natural" Davion world.
- Davion launches an assault into Draconis space, conquering all 6 worlds with ever tightening supply lines making each fight costlier and riskier but finally succeeds in conquering the planet with the factory
- For every day that Davion holds the planet, any member of the invading/defending Davion force can buy a set total number of Gauss cannons at a noticably reduced price. Any of this set number not bought by those directly involved in conquering/holding the factory or its supply line would only have the cheaper price at a later point in the day to whatever number were left over. Any not purchased would be considered unused production and would not carry over to the next day.
- Draconis would suffer a small price increase for Gauss cannons.
- Any Draconis attempt to retake the world would be at a significant relative financial advantage since Davion units would be paying extra for repairs/ammo/etc and Draconis would be paying slightly less since the fight is so deep in their territory.
Lots of room to improve this idea, of course, but I think it's a good start.
Also, I skipped over the detailed mechanics of how to set up the fights for the worlds themselves since that is a different topic than what I'm focusing on.
<edit: numbered list kept showing up as bullet points so manually made it numbered>
Edited by Hax DB Header, 16 August 2012 - 03:43 PM.