Get killed? wait for next hotdrop. Team runs outta hotdrops, auto loses. Also Hotdrops should not reuse the same mech. If its dead its dead for the game, instead now deploy with something else from your mechbay. Now there is a reason for multiple mechs.
Edit: Each mech you lose must be repaired as normal. So if you hotdrop 5 times, and lose your 5 different mechs you dropped with you will ahve to repair them ALL! MUAHAHHAHAHAHHAA.
Someone pro who only lose 3 of his 5 mechs during game makes a profit, some rambo who losses all his mechs in a game even if their team wins makes a loss thru repair cost.
In fact in addition to this idea, hotdrops like said else where should be a commander dictated event, commander chooses drop location, when, where, instead of limit per game, limit on how many reinforcing mechs left in Open bid for match. Commander may choose to call hotdrop to switch fresh mechs with beaten mechs, "have fall comrades" rejoin the battle using up mechs from dropship. As long as there are mechs left inside the dropship, hotdrops can be called. Unless they concede.
Dropship holds X mechs, players may from their own mechbays, store X mechs inside dropship until it is full. That is the bid for the match in temrs of respawns. Commander Dies then no hotdrops. Auto lose if annihalated.
Important, beaten up mechs in dropship STAY BEATEN UP. Player has all the mechs he owns put in dropship destoyed he cannot rejoin unless shared mech and average the loss option is on. Player may choose not to reinforce as well, in that case people cannot use his mechs in the dropship that he put their unless shared mechs is on.
Edited by ManDaisy, 01 February 2012 - 02:50 PM.