Planet ICAR – November 3048
Jon Vekken walked his Jenner down the ramp of the Spherical dropship. They made planetfall two hours ago. He used the foot pedals to kick the mech into high gear and the rest of his lance followed suit.
“Keep those sensors set on high.” Jon said. “We don’t want any surprises. Last time we were here, they were camouflaged in the hills. Let’s make sure that won’t happen again.” Jon watched as the other lances of the battalion set up around the dropship, with the command lance heading for the very hills that he just talked about.
The Jenner trudged along for what seemed like hours, getting closer to the city of Togar. Nothing appeared on the sensors to indicate the pirates were in the area. The team finally came upon the outskirts of the city. Tall skyscrapers dotted the landscape. City fighting was always rough, but a light mech could move about with ease, especially if it had jump jets. Most of the buildings registered as hardened structures, easy to support the weight of a light mech. Jon checked his sensors. The buildings were blocking most of the signal. He had to get an aerial up.
“Tango Charlie.” Jon radioed. “Tango Charlie. This is Shadow Scout One over.”
“Shadow Scout One, this is Tango Charlie. Report your position.” Came the reply.
“Tango Charlie, we are in position outside the city. Aerial sensor buoy going up.” Jon said.
The wolfhound’s aerial sensor buoy shot into the sky, Sensor readings came in and Anna was able to see. “Leftenant, we have two targets in the southern part of the city. We are too far away to get a complete read on them.”
“Tango Charlie” Jon relayed; “We have two targets but unable to get complete read on them. We are moving in closer to get reads on them.”
“Understood Shadow Scout One.” Came the reply. “Tango Charlie out.”
“Ok folks, Let’s move out.” Jon told his lance.
They moved out along the southern roadways, moving along closer to the targets on Anna’s radar. They past a mall in a major business district. A park opened to the left when Anna’s voice came over the radio.
“Targets have spotted us and are moving to intercept. I count two… no, make that three mechs. Unknown weight class and configuration.”
Jon punched the jump jets to put the mech up on the roof of a nearby building. The mech soared up four stories and he guided it over to land on the hardened roof. His sensors, now no longer blocked, showed the incoming mechs. Readings on them were unclear. Either they did not register among the known database, or the sensors were still being fouled up from the buildings.
“Get ready team, they are only a couple clicks out.” Jon said. Just then, the klaxon sounded inside his mech indicating a missile lock. He took three steps towards the target and tapped the jump jets. The mech, as graceful as a two story machine can, stepped off the roof and dropped to the street below. Missiles impacted the building behind him where he once stood.
“They’ve got range on us. Scout Four, you’ve got range, take Scout two over to the main highway and set up. We’ll get them when they come into range of our LRMs.” Jon commanded.
Scout Two moved into position, his Javelin’s Long Range Missiles, primed and ready. The Panther set up next to him; the PPC warmed up and aimed. A large mech appeared about a click off onto the main highway. The two mechs targeted him waiting for it to be in range.
“What is that thing? It’s bigger than us!” Robert asked. He stood at the ready as the mech blatantly walked down the middle of the street, daring anyone to shoot at it. The mech got closer… closer... almost in range… just another 100 yards…
The two mechs exchanged volleys of missiles. The missiles flashed by, peppering the ground with a dozen or more hits. Robert ducked his machine around the corner of the building. Suddenly there was a flash and a green ball of energy slammed into Scout Four, shoving the mech back.
“What the hell was that?” came across the radio from Scout Four. “I just got hit with a PPC shot and I’m not even close to being in range.”
Another barrage of missiles screamed across the expanse. This time slamming full into the Javelin. The Javelin stumbled backwards, slamming into a building. Luck would have it, otherwise the mech would have fallen to the ground.
“Leftenant!” Came Anna’s cry over the radio; “Two more bogies just came onto radar! They’re behind us!”
“FRAK!” Jon cursed. He turned his mech to the new threat. One of the mechs was his size and coming up close. The odd design made little sense to him. What was this mech, something new? The right arm of the mech lit up and a green bolt smacked into his leg. The Jenner stumbled, but kept upright. Lights flashed on the panel, indicating heavy armor loss to the left leg. Jon thought as he finally came into range and loosed off his SRM pack. The missiles cratered the armor of this new mech, but did little damage.
A repeating blue flash came from the mech. Lances of blue energy caught the right torso of the Jenner, melting away the armor, a barrage of missiles shot out as well. This mech was not stopping. Jon wrenched the controls to stay upright. Lights blared on the dash. He locked on with his four medium lasers and fired. The heat spiked in the cockpit momentarily as it started to bleed off. Jon cheered as the mech rocked and stumbled back a bit.
Jon punched the fire button on his missile rack while waiting for the mech to cool a bit for another round of lasers. He got hit from another barrage of missiles and that pulsating laser beam. He didn’t know what it was, but it was some sort of new tech. The pirates didn’t have anything like this that they fought before.
Jon sidestepped a shot from this new mech. He fired off two lasers. One of which went wide, the targeting system just not cutting it. Cursing at the added heat for a useless weapon, he linked fire controls for the other three. Back-stepping, he went down a side street.
“This new mech is big! I’ve hit it with everything I’ve got. I’m running way too hot to do anything else!” said Gregor over the radio. “I’ve barely dented the thing! I’m pulling back to 4
th street”
“Leftenant, my Javelin’s pretty banged up. I’ve lost most of my armor after a scuffle with this small mech. Looks weird with his arms up over its head. That thing has speed beyond speed. I was finally able to cripple its leg so it couldn’t move fast. AND I’m out of missiles.”
“Scouts, let’s get out of here, regroup at Bay and 4th. We need to fall back and report in.” Jon commanded.
The four mechs broke off from the enemy. Surprisingly the enemy did not give chase. The larger mech kept firing its energy weapons at the retreating mechs. Jon’s lance evaded any more trouble and got to the outskirts of town.
Edited by Jon Vekken, 09 February 2012 - 06:38 AM.