TheRulesLawyer, on 13 February 2012 - 02:58 PM, said:
They are giving free replica neural helmets to the top 25 posters on the forum. They will be made by razor and include a 5.1 headset with mic, LCD VR glasses in the visor and a built in head tracking module. They will be on sale to other players for $399.99 at release.
Zaius Ex, on 13 February 2012 - 03:04 PM, said:
I would have to fight hard not to buy that. lol
:< Feed the greed why dont you! just give them a reason to actually do it now. Hell they could make them out of asbestos and we would all buy them still.. and wear them.. even if they didn't have anything more then little led lights that didn't even blink!
Ok, for real, this is something that is totally in the game. Not to throw any one under the buss (Paul) but they let it slip last night in my dreams.
DX< no im not dreaming about Paul.
So there will only be one game type that matters in getting you XP, C-bill and Rank in order to new mechs, and that are the House affiliated battles or, faction warfare. Every faction battle will take place in 0 g and each team will have at least 1 urbanmech pilot. Each team's goal is to, by using their assault mech's hands, get that urban mech into one of three of the apposing teams stationary drop ships which come in 3 sizes. Through the game there will be an odd additnal function that will instantly end the game if caught in the hands of one of the team's mechs and each team will have one specific light designated just to perform this function and otherwise is useless in the 'battle'. This special item that needs to be cought is a gold plated nickle-farus gauss round with mechanical wings that propel it through space. Also this 'magic bullet' has a brain and will do everything in its power to escape the 'magic bullet' catcher.
Also, if you do not hace a mech who has hands and JJ's with special 0 g moduals, you will not be allowed to participate in these matches. Note, that you cant earn anything any other way then to play in the faction battle described above so if you are not specially selected by your house as part of the 'in' crowd, you will not be have to purchase the required items in order to participate.