VYCanis, on 09 February 2012 - 06:36 AM, said:
its not a realism thing, its a gameplay thing.............
There needs to be a legitimate reason to aim for the arms
there is, so we can shoot the soon-to-be-implemented laser swords out of each others hands. :-D
this conversation is going on too long, and this poll is kind of borderline trolling. The only reason that limb destruction never really made it well in the other MW games is hardware/software restrictions.
now, i can't understand the logic behind any other choice in the poll other than what the rules say would happen... destruction of the torso means you lose the limb(falls off), and damage transfers to the CT. total warfare pretty much tells you that the terms destruction/destroyed are pretty much abstract, and what it means in the game is something is no longer usable. BEFORE anybody gets all huffy about "this isnt BT, its MW!!" recall that the BTU is the underlying rule system for MW, and if it doesnt follow it to some respectable level (remember, abstract is a key word here), it is not mechwarrior, but "WalkingTankWarrior".
VYCanis, on 09 February 2012 - 08:44 AM, said:
TL-DR its not far fetched to have something "destroyed" but still there capable of soaking more damage or holding things together. its just a matter of all that mangled mess still being there an there as dead metal where there is very little you could do to it that hasn't been done already.
you forget an important aspect of that mangled metal tho: if it is successfuly keeping your arm on, more damage can be done to it. ergo, it is not destroyed. maybe all the arm and torso systems are critted out, and it is not working, but its not destroyed if that limb hasn't dropped (lost all structural support). there is plenty of room to maneuver within the rules to make almost everyone happy, until people get their expectations too far out.