DaZur, on 21 February 2012 - 06:04 AM, said:
In the flight-sim community that I am a member of and also a 3D model content creator... "2-weeks" is the standard time-frame we give for the release of any given project, core-game patch/update...
It's really a placation as we never really have a time-line for any release date.

Standard reply to trouble tickets by our service desk is 2 weeks for everything...
"when will that web server be back up?"
"2 weeks"
It got interesting when our DC lost a CRAC unit and the CIO called and asked
"When are we moving the entire DC to a new location?"
"2 weeks"
Man that got some emails sent out in a hurry (it's an $8 million dollar move that's scheduled over 6 months that isn't even out of the planning stages yet).
Heh...good times.